Solved! Help on deciding a laptop please!

I may not get that much fps on games with the 1050ti, will it be noticeable for other things like Photoshop editing and 3D modelling?
The higher refresh rate won't really affect the Photoshop or 3D modeling but the IPS monitor does have much better colors over a TN panel so that will affect your Photoshop work. As for gaming it depends on the type of games, for FPS such as CSGO or Battlefield you'll want to lower the graphics to keep the FPS high. I would recommend doing this even for a higher end build as the flashy graphics can actually be distracting, especially in competitive titles. Then on your single player games I'd set the graphics higher and keep the FPS around 60 or so, whatever you feel comfortable with.

Think the other laptop has IPS as well, any clue if it does? But thanks for the help!