help to repair Pioneer Elite CD transport



Archived from groups: (More info?)

I own a rare Pioneer Elite PDS-95, a CD transport based upon the
Pioneer PD-65 and Pioneer PD-75, using the stable platter system. (see
pix and short info at )

I recently had a shop replace the laser assembly, but they are not
competent to perform an alignment of the laser assembly. (They did try
without success). I have the original service manual with microfiche,
but I cannot seem to find a shop with the experience to complete this
process. I have been told it is a bit more complex than with standard
cd players.

I tried contacting Pioneer for a reference, but they were of no help,
directing me to their web site where they list lots of places, none of
which seems to know this unit or its cousin, the PD-65.

Any one out there with experience or a reference?
Archived from groups: (More info?) (Hi fi fan) wrote in message news:<>...
> I own a rare Pioneer Elite PDS-95, a CD transport based upon the
> Pioneer PD-65 and Pioneer PD-75, using the stable platter system. (see
> pix and short info at )
> I recently had a shop replace the laser assembly, but they are not
> competent to perform an alignment of the laser assembly. (They did try
> without success). I have the original service manual with microfiche,
> but I cannot seem to find a shop with the experience to complete this
> process. I have been told it is a bit more complex than with standard
> cd players.
> I tried contacting Pioneer for a reference, but they were of no help,
> directing me to their web site where they list lots of places, none of
> which seems to know this unit or its cousin, the PD-65.
> Any one out there with experience or a reference?

You might try contacting Accent Sound in Overland Park, Kansas City,
KS. I have purchased my Elite equipment from them for the past 15
yrs. They are top notch, repair shop, and have a great store to visit
as well. This is a high end shop, carries Mac, Elite and most other
high end gear. I bought my Laser Disk unit and many Laser Disks from
them over time, they have done tune-ups and repairs on several peices
of my Pioneer gear over the years. Try this URL
No I don't work there, but I do drive some 125 miles to go there to
drool over new gear, and stock up on Laser disks, DVD's and see the
latest and hottest stuff.