
Feb 4, 2014
Recently tried to have HDTV installed in my home. The cable guy said our coaxial cables in the house are too old and produce too weak a signal for the upgrade. I believe they are RG-59. We have decided to have all of the coaxial cables in the house replaced due to this issue. What is the best cable grade and type to buy for this application. I will be using the coaxial cables for my router and televisions(6) only. Also our home is pretty large and if it is possible I want a cable that will be technologically appropriate/relevant for at least 30+ years.


Dec 11, 2012
RG6 is the industry standard. Most reputable cable companies or satellite companies will replace them for you during the installation process, unless there are extenuating circumstances... such as sealed walls, no attic access, no crawlspace or basement access. The issue isn't weak signal, but bandwidth. RG 59 can carry up to... I think its 1.5 Ghz of bandwidth. RG6 can carry 3 Ghz. Cable and satellite systems use an extensive amount of networking (MOCA) as well as signal and require that bandwidth. As far as future proofing... there really isn't a way to do that. General contractors can do the work, but it is far cheaper to just let the pros take care of it. Also make sure that your installer changes out all of the wall plates as well. The older plates have clear bezels and those also only pass 1.5Ghz. The bezels should be blue or orange/yellow.

Shaun o


Basically you want to be looking at the quality and purity of the inner copper core or wire.
And also how well it is insulated by a plastic surround, but also wrapped with a tin foil coating.

For the outer core, again the same thing, where you will see the copper or nickle outer core with a tin foil wrap around it then the protective sheathing.

How large the whole cable in diameter should be larger than the current coaxial cable you have in your home.

Basically cable used for Sky Satellite, is about the same grade as used for coaxial cable type connection. RG 6


Quality of the install counts almost as much as which cable.

RG-6 for the cable.
Since you're presumably opening up walls to install all this, install conduit, and run the cable through that.
That takes care of your "30+ years".


Question from Vesuvius803 : "Home Coaxial Cable Replacement"



Feb 4, 2014

Im not sure. I am just going off of what two different cable guys told me. The cable doesn't work at all in the upstairs of the house. We have tried to upgrade to HD three times in the last couple of years and have been told the same thing every time. Planning on moving out of this house in the next couple of years and want to make sure the cable is tip top for the sale.
If just 2 years just do enough to hold over, I wouldn't spend a fortune. Standard things the realtor looks for is a modern kitchen with stone counter top they like, and a similarly modern bathroom. Tell him you got a to die-for high-tech build for AV in every room, he's just gonna go "uh-um."


Dec 11, 2012

I am. I do this for a living now that I am retired from the USAF. RG6 is used by all major vendors and none of them will work on 59. If the installer hooks it up over 59, you will have never ending service calls.