How big is YOUR card ?


Dec 26, 2003
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I see plug-in cards sized anywhere
from 64meg to 512meg.

Any reason to have half-dozen small cards ?
( or any spares at all ? )

I found a 512meg SD card on sale....
When I plugged it in, my camera announced I now had
capacity for 800+ pictures.

Unless you're taking pics for the high school graduating class,
would there be reason for any more ( spare ) cards ? much to learn...... ;o)

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1. What if you loose that one card? While on safari in central Africa?
Nothing for 500 miles?
2. What if the card breaks? While on safari etc.etc. It happens.
3. What if you forgot to take off the 799 shots of Brittany Spears
f#%&ing the mailman you happened to be in a position to take, and
Sasquatch walks by? Do you format the card?

Seriously, I carry a 512MB (~150 pics with my camera on "super-high
quality" JPEG), and a 256MB and a very old 96MB as spares. And I've
used them all on numerous occasions.

Also, you might want to increase the resolution of the pics you're
taking, if possible. You only get one chance to take a picture; you
should make it as good a shot as possible (within reason, of course -
RAW may take too long). You won't get a chance to go back and shoot
that exact same moment again.....

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"<RJ>" <> wrote in message
> I see plug-in cards sized anywhere
> from 64meg to 512meg.
> Any reason to have half-dozen small cards ?
> ( or any spares at all ? )
> I found a 512meg SD card on sale....
> When I plugged it in, my camera announced I now had
> capacity for 800+ pictures.
> Unless you're taking pics for the high school graduating class,
> would there be reason for any more ( spare ) cards ?
> much to learn...... ;o)
> <rj>

It depends on what image quality setting you have your camera on, and what
its max resolution is. My 8mp 20D gets about 260 images on a 1 Gig card at
Lg/Fine JPEG, and about 110 on RAW, 1000 on sm/normal. If your camera is
about 5mp and you have it on small/normal, you may get 800+ images on a
512meg card. Set your res higher, you'll get better pics, and utilize the
size of the card. Capacities are guesses based on my D30/256m card and
20D/1g card.

Skip Middleton
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"<RJ>" <> wrote in message
> I see plug-in cards sized anywhere
> from 64meg to 512meg.
> Any reason to have half-dozen small cards ?
> ( or any spares at all ? )
> I found a 512meg SD card on sale....
> When I plugged it in, my camera announced I now had
> capacity for 800+ pictures.
> Unless you're taking pics for the high school graduating class,
> would there be reason for any more ( spare ) cards ?
> much to learn...... ;o)

6 months post graduation travel in Europe.

> <rj>
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You don't want to change cards or worry about the numbers. You take your
shots, whatever the number. You cull afterwards, yet you want to review the
best shots later and the more shots you have, the better your chances of
getting great souvenirs.

"<RJ>" <> wrote in message
> I see plug-in cards sized anywhere
> from 64meg to 512meg.
> Any reason to have half-dozen small cards ?
> ( or any spares at all ? )
> I found a 512meg SD card on sale....
> When I plugged it in, my camera announced I now had
> capacity for 800+ pictures.
> Unless you're taking pics for the high school graduating class,
> would there be reason for any more ( spare ) cards ?
> much to learn...... ;o)
> <rj>
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8 x 2GB Sandisk Extreme III. Each stores about 200 RAWs from
my 20D.

"<RJ>" <> wrote in message
> I see plug-in cards sized anywhere
> from 64meg to 512meg.
> Any reason to have half-dozen small cards ?
> ( or any spares at all ? )
> I found a 512meg SD card on sale....
> When I plugged it in, my camera announced I now had
> capacity for 800+ pictures.
> Unless you're taking pics for the high school graduating class,
> would there be reason for any more ( spare ) cards ?
> much to learn...... ;o)
> <rj>
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I have SanDisk Ultra II in 512 MB, and 1 GB at this time will probably buy a
few more shortly..

"<RJ>" <> wrote in message
> I see plug-in cards sized anywhere
> from 64meg to 512meg.
> Any reason to have half-dozen small cards ?
> ( or any spares at all ? )
> I found a 512meg SD card on sale....
> When I plugged it in, my camera announced I now had
> capacity for 800+ pictures.
> Unless you're taking pics for the high school graduating class,
> would there be reason for any more ( spare ) cards ?
> much to learn...... ;o)
> <rj>
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Marcel wrote:
> You don't want to change cards or worry about the numbers. You take your
> shots, whatever the number. You cull afterwards, yet you want to review the
> best shots later and the more shots you have, the better your chances of
> getting great souvenirs.
> Marcel
You have a good point but it can be risky putting all your souvenirs in
one basket.
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We tend towards the much smaller CF cards - sort of treat 'em like a roll of
film. Absolutely hate sorting out the tangled heap of pix I get when the
card's been in the camera for weeks and weeks - smaller cards, uploaded more
frequently, usually have only one or two subjects per card. Also avoids
losing days and days of shots when faced with the card-gone bad, lost the
card sort of hassles...
And, of course, we're picking up the 32-64-128 sizes dirt-cheap used, as
most people super-size...
"<RJ>" <> wrote in message
> I see plug-in cards sized anywhere
> from 64meg to 512meg.
> Any reason to have half-dozen small cards ?
> ( or any spares at all ? )
> I found a 512meg SD card on sale....
> When I plugged it in, my camera announced I now had
> capacity for 800+ pictures.
> Unless you're taking pics for the high school graduating class,
> would there be reason for any more ( spare ) cards ?
> much to learn...... ;o)
> <rj>

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"<RJ>" <> wrote in message
> I see plug-in cards sized anywhere
> from 64meg to 512meg.
> Any reason to have half-dozen small cards ?
> ( or any spares at all ? )
> I found a 512meg SD card on sale....
> When I plugged it in, my camera announced I now had
> capacity for 800+ pictures.
> Unless you're taking pics for the high school graduating class,
> would there be reason for any more ( spare ) cards ?
> much to learn...... ;o)

Much of that depends upon how many megabytes each image taken by your camera

With my Canon 10D, I can only shoot about 127 full resolution RAW files with
embedded jpegs.

So...what to you is 800-shot overkill, to me wouldn't even be the equivalent
of two rolls of film.
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"tomcas" <> wrote in message
> Marcel wrote:
> > You don't want to change cards or worry about the numbers. You take your
> > shots, whatever the number. You cull afterwards, yet you want to review
> > best shots later and the more shots you have, the better your chances of
> > getting great souvenirs.
> > Marcel
> You have a good point but it can be risky putting all your souvenirs in
> one basket.

Sometimes it works the other way though...

Which is safer to carry?...

....A dozen eggs you must juggle in the air...or a basket that holds them

Sometimes the basket is precisely what you should use.

When shooting wildlife, or at the beach, or in the rain, or on the
sidelines, or in the crowds, etc. etc.... Pulling tiny little drives out of
sensitive equipment is the LAST things one should have to do with
regularity. More often than not, I find security in NOT having to expose
lots of little cards to the endless shuffling through the mayh dangerous
environments (to cards, at least) we find ourselves shooting in.

Keeping my card safe INSIDE my camera often outweighs the "benefit" of lots
of little cards I may lose or destroy in teh endless fiddling...not to
mention the SHOTS I will inevitably MISS because I've once again run out of
space at the critical moment.

The BEST as follows (even if not the most economical):

Many LARGE cards.
This way, you can shoot non-stop in those fast paced moments where you HAVE
to get the shot...but can opt for removing/replacing the card even BEFORE it
is full if you're worried about data loss.

Personally...when you can buy 1GB sanDisk cards for $69 at costco, I think
even the multiple-big solution is even economically sound.
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> I see plug-in cards sized anywhere
> from 64meg to 512meg.
> Any reason to have half-dozen small cards ?
> ( or any spares at all ? )
> I found a 512meg SD card on sale....
> When I plugged it in, my camera announced I now had
> capacity for 800+ pictures.
> Unless you're taking pics for the high school graduating class,
> would there be reason for any more ( spare ) cards ?

Overseas travel. I have six 1 GB CF cards and get about 240 shots on
each (20D, Large-Fine).

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> I see plug-in cards sized anywhere
> from 64meg to 512meg.
> Any reason to have half-dozen small cards ?
> ( or any spares at all ? )
> I found a 512meg SD card on sale....
> When I plugged it in, my camera announced I now had
> capacity for 800+ pictures.
> Unless you're taking pics for the high school graduating class,
> would there be reason for any more ( spare ) cards ?
> much to learn...... ;o)


The Peter Principle works nicely here - "things will
expand to fill the space available for their storage" :)

Yes, have several. Perhaps one large (relatively expensive)
one, and a few smaller ones.

If you should lose one, as a recent poster did, you haven't
lost everything.

If one should fail, as all things sooner or later do, you
won't have lost everything.

And if you're fortunate enough to live in a wonderful
community such as mine, you'll have "loaners".
Whichever of your relatives or neighbors is going off on
vacation gets to take them all - except for one of the
smaller ones you keep on hand for local photo ops.

Just my opinion.

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"Ken Weitzel" <> wrote in message
> wrote:
> > I see plug-in cards sized anywhere
> > from 64meg to 512meg.
> >
> > Any reason to have half-dozen small cards ?
> > ( or any spares at all ? )
> >
> > I found a 512meg SD card on sale....
> > When I plugged it in, my camera announced I now had
> > capacity for 800+ pictures.
> >
> > Unless you're taking pics for the high school graduating class,
> > would there be reason for any more ( spare ) cards ?
> >
> > much to learn...... ;o)
> Hi...
> The Peter Principle works nicely here - "things will
> expand to fill the space available for their storage" :)
> Yes, have several. Perhaps one large (relatively expensive)
> one, and a few smaller ones.
> If you should lose one, as a recent poster did, you haven't
> lost everything.

On the other hand...the more numerous and small the cards...the greater the
likelihood of their loss or mishandling. In my opinion, the odds of loss or
destruction due to frequent handling in the field far out-weigh the risks
associated with data loss.
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>From: Phil Wheeler

>Overseas travel. I have six 1 GB CF cards and get about 240 shots on
>each (20D, Large-Fine).

I had three 1 GB cards with me in Hawaii. I'd download those each night to the
laptop. Shooting in RAW mode, I still found myself running out of room on some
days. Guess I shoulda taken the laptop with me.
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512mb is about right. If you edit in camera for exposure, sharpness, etc, as
you shoot, you can copy each card from the hard-drive to a cd for the client
to take away. It's more manageable for everyone concerned and saves time.
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On 7/12/04 12:07 am, in article,
"teflon" <> wrote:

> 512mb is about right. If you edit in camera for exposure, sharpness, etc, as
> you shoot, you can copy each card from the hard-drive to a cd for the client
> to take away. It's more manageable for everyone concerned and saves time.
>, if one packs up, it's not the whole shoot.
Archived from groups: (More info?) (Annika1980) wrote in

>>From: Phil Wheeler
>>Overseas travel. I have six 1 GB CF cards and get about 240 shots on
>>each (20D, Large-Fine).
> I had three 1 GB cards with me in Hawaii. I'd download those each
> night to the laptop. Shooting in RAW mode, I still found myself
> running out of room on some days. Guess I shoulda taken the laptop
> with me.

Dunno if you caught my post on the RCA Lyra, but it's serving me better
than simply buying lots more media.
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Annika1980 wrote:

>>From: Phil Wheeler
>>Overseas travel. I have six 1 GB CF cards and get about 240 shots on
>>each (20D, Large-Fine).
> I had three 1 GB cards with me in Hawaii. I'd download those each night to the
> laptop. Shooting in RAW mode, I still found myself running out of room on some
> days. Guess I shoulda taken the laptop with me.

I travel with a 30 GB X-Drive II for that purpose.
