How can I connect a HD Antenna for local stations to my TV without a COAX input option on the tv? I only have HDMI or the 3 c

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Mar 28, 2016
I have a newer TV that does not have any input for a COAX cable. I can hook up via HDMI, USB, Audio cords (the 3 colored cords) but that is it. I am not interested in TiVo or as I am trying to get rid of my cable since we do not watch it, but want the local channels still. We do have a ChromeCast and a Roku, I wasnt able to pull much info on trying to hook an antenna up to them.

So oddly I am having something of the same trouble as nball but I find your statement "If your TV doesn't have a COAX input, then it is probably just a monitor and not a TV." a little odd, I am shopping for a TV and am not able to find a single one with a coax or -rca input, it seems that HDMI is the standard and I am having some trouble getting a straight answer on how to convert the coax from the HD antenna to the HDMI that the TV requires.

Yes friend I am just a bit behind the times it seems After looking more closely there are indeed TVs for sale ~lol It appears that a good many TVs have no tuner and do not accommodate RF (terrestrial or coax) or the -RCA, these I imagine are fine for folks that have services available such as uverse suddenlink or directtv that supply a tuner with the service. but after expanding my search a little I have discovered there are still TVs that have tuners and accept RF and -RCA.
Now I still have the question of the OTA Broadcasting HD, And the fact that it seems all of the "HDTV" antennas using RF cables.

I guess I screwed up. Just bought this "HDTV" thinking it had a tuner/coax input. I was planning to use an antenna with it, but I guess now I'll have to see about buying a tuner, or refuse delivery and see about getting my $300 back. I see the inputs are limited to HDMI and USB.

wait... it says it has a digital tuner.... but it doens't say it has a coax input... best buy says "it should" ...

Uh... because Best Buys also finds odd that people have to ask this question? Is like asking "this car comes with tires?"

No really, if it say TV (tee-vee) is has everything needed to receive broadcast. Otherwise it would say MONITOR instead.

Somebody up there may had stumbled into the computer department away from the entertaintment.

This is a slightly miss leading subject because of the technological trajectory of a "TV". Vizio has multiple product lines that a labeled "Tuner Free Displays". Therefore, jsmithepa is partially correct. It probably wasn't a mix up, it's just the way current 4k TVs/displays are being made now.


This won't be the first time a vendor throws out strange labels to confuse the consumer.

So to further not split hairs, if you have a question, just give us the precise make/model of the display in question and ask pointedly "will it do this." and hopefully members here have time to look it up for you.
I'm in the same situation. I just bought a 70" Vizio that has chromecast and I don't have cable. I want to watch the locals for the news and stuff. Every antenna I have found has a coax hookup. Been searching online for a way to hook it up to my tv. The bluray player I just bought only has the optical and HDMI hookups. I don't want a bunch of boxes cluttering up my tv stand. Would be nice if there was a splitter or converter where you can screw it into that and hook up to HDMI.
Thx @kanewolf! Appreciate you sharing the link. Just purchased it. This was the first time I'be ever seen a tv without a coax hookup. I called Vizio about the antenna and they told me to buy an HDMI one. I have searched every where and I haven't seen the first one with that type of hookup.

Same situation, new Vizio TV without coaxial hookup. Now that you have bought it, does it work?

I have a Vizio 50" E series "smart" T.V. It also has no coax input. It has hdmi, ethernet, etc. I was informed by Vizio that I need an adapter to use plug in antenna that works on older t.v. No other info.I was checking here in hopes someone had an answer.
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