How do i set default app download location to sd card on a Galaxy Tab A?

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Dec 30, 2015
I have a Galaxy tab A and dont have the setting menu described in your tutorial on setting default app location. Every instruction i look up are for other tablets that have menus i dont have. Please help!!

I am going to get a tab A 10.1. It will be running Android...
I wanted to know if you found a solution as I too do not have the menu option on my son's tablet and want to download games right to card as it says with .5gb of storage left internally, there is insufficient amount of space for ANY downloads.

I have researched this as much as I can. In "Settings", "Applications", "Application Manager" you can select Apps and some parts of the App data can be moved to the SD card.
However this does not achieve much data transfer. The holy grail I was after was to download movies etc to the SD card rather than filling the system storage.
As far as I have discovered it is the App owner who is preventing this, because of copyright reasons they only allow you to download things with a limited life ie they expire after 30 days, so they do not want stuff downloaded to a card which can be removed from the tablet and potentially allowing the user to break the 30 day rule.
I'm having the same issue, Samsung Galaxy Tab A. I found a setting to move "stuff" to the sd card, not sure what stuff that will be but will hopefully free up some space on the device. Go to settings, then applications, then under application settings choose internet then advanced then finally default storage and will have a drop down with 2 choices: my device and sd card. Of course choose sd card. Not sure how much info will go to sd I assume anything I search on the internet, cookies, etc. I am going to go into my local Best Buy, there's a Samsung kiosk there! I had someone there set the same setting on my Note 4 and have no idea what he did. Good luck everyone! I hope this works :)

I wish to know this too

i cant find the "internet" under apps.. either

i have a tab A

Thanks Michelle. I am thinking of getting the 2016 tab A 10.1 as there is a good sale by me. I am willing to bet the settings options you mention won't offer sd storage unless the sd card is already installed and mounted, in case anyone is having trouble because of that. I think I may stop in at best buy first to in order to make sure I can set default downloads to the card. Love my tab 4, looking to move up a bit. Your discovery gives me hope!

I am going to get a tab A 10.1. It will be running Android 6 marshmallow. The default download is a huge issue for me. I just found the solution on how to geek, published 3/7/16. The atrtical addresses items covered in this forum but also has the solution for the new tab A. It is a new feature of Android only available in marshmallow. There is an android setting to "adopt" your sd card as internal storage. However, by doing this you render your sd useless as portable storage. This is fine by me, I will just plug the tab into the laptop to transfer files if need be. Not wanting to take away from Toms guide which I love, but this is a great "how to", check it out. I hope it helps y'all
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