M maxilove12 May 28, 2018 1 0 10 May 28, 2018 #1 I have bought Kamron audio ka-10, but there is no power supply cable and wires in the box. Again there is no amplifier. Please, how do I connect it go LG LED satelliteTV ? What cables do I need? Thanks
I have bought Kamron audio ka-10, but there is no power supply cable and wires in the box. Again there is no amplifier. Please, how do I connect it go LG LED satelliteTV ? What cables do I need? Thanks
Solution Rocky Bennett May 29, 2018 Contact the dealer that you bought it from because you should have received the cables in the box. http/kamronaudio.com/ka-10.html
Contact the dealer that you bought it from because you should have received the cables in the box. http/kamronaudio.com/ka-10.html
Rocky Bennett Respectable May 25, 2016 236 0 1,960 May 29, 2018 Solution #2 Contact the dealer that you bought it from because you should have received the cables in the box. http/kamronaudio.com/ka-10.html Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
Contact the dealer that you bought it from because you should have received the cables in the box. http/kamronaudio.com/ka-10.html