How to connect LG OLED to Fios cable and Vizio 5.1 soundbar?


Dec 18, 2016
Disclaimer, I am not tech savvy. My head hurts trying to get my Vizio (2014) 5.1 soundbar with wireless sub to work with Fios cable box and LG OLEDB6P. HDMI ARC is in tv and cable box with optical (no HDMI port on bar) output on soundbar plugged to tv. Turned off tv speakers, nothing. I've tried tv hdmi arc>cable, cable optical>soundbar. That did produce sound, but no surround sound. What am I doing wrong, please? Thank you!
No more headaches! I did have the last setup correct. On the OLED had to turn off True Sound and to repeat turnoff internal speakers. Thanks to Tom's Forum was able to locate some helpful tips about this issue.
No more headaches! I did have the last setup correct. On the OLED had to turn off True Sound and to repeat turnoff internal speakers. Thanks to Tom's Forum was able to locate some helpful tips about this issue.