After you finish all the necessary preparations for your Samsung Gear you are ready to begin your VR trip. The setup for this device is very simple, so I suppose you didn't have some difficulties.This tutorial will guide you how to recalibrate your Samsung Gear VR. When the installation for your software and apps is over you can start using this device, make sure that everything is in the right order. This are the following steps to recalibrate your Samsung Gear:
■ When you put your headset on and you have some kind of problems, take off the device from your head, take the phone in your hand and check if all of the installations are finished.
■ Open your Oculus account if you need more informations about your device, or you have some difficulties.
■ If you feel that your focus is blurry and your field of view does not feel right than just adjust the focus. You can do that this way :
■ On the top of your headset there is a wheel that you need to scroll so you can make the necessary adjustments.
■ Just roll the wheel in the direction you think is right until you feel that your focus is on the right place
For any unexpected problems go to Oculus Support and you will get the answer.