HP G62 wont start - Motherbord problem?


Dec 20, 2012
Bought a HP G62 from an idiot seller, did not know it wont charge, Google it and seems to be a burn out power transistor.

How can i find wish one (even if it means i need to open it up) and is it possible to buy one?

Seller said the problem wasnt there before he sent it away, maybe 1 week before it arrived, can that be possible

if it a laptop..check the output of the power brick. if it within it stamped output check that the pin on the laptop plug is solider on fine. most times with age this can snap off. I would not open the laptop..but i would box it back up and send it back and have ebay or the seller refund you your money.

You mean the pin thats inside? its fine.
It was bought on Tradera.se thats ebays swedish website, was stupid not to take it trough Paypal so i cant make a refund.

He just said it was what i acn expect when i bought it even if that was not the problem he described.

Thinking of making a Police report, but i dont think nothing will happend.
as the system board is one part in that laptop you have a few hard chooses. find a local laptop repair shop that can board fix your unit. send the unit to hp to replace the mb and get a short warranty on the repair. find a shop that install a used or repaird mb for you. or pick up a mb yourself and take the laptop apart and swap the mb yourself.

So changing the power transistor is out of the question?

I found one local shop that seems good out of few here around, so i will check with them.

Its not worth to pay more then 80$ for it, if i need to change motherbord it woudl cost more.