My notebook keyboard is not working. Idk if its a motherboard problem or not

Apr 16, 2018
Hey everyone!

Some time ago, my brother gave me an old hp latop he wasnt using cuz it wont boot. Model:
Notebook HP Pavillion dv6-3077la

It was overheating cuz the termal paste was dust. I clean it up and put fresh paste and it was like new. I made it a pc format and install all the drivers, the pc is working really well for the years it have.

The only problem was that some keys wont work(like 8 keys) after a lot of attempt to fix it, I assume it was the keyboard, so I brought a new one. It was a bit different(the first one was in spanish) but it was fully compatible with my pc

After installing it some keys dint work(again like 8 keys) just in case a failing keyboard, I ask for a new one, but still the same problem.

So, I assume that the notebook connecter is not reading one of the ribbon lines. I clean it the best I could with isoprofilic alchohol but still not working.

Is there some way to fix it?
Or it is now a failing motherboard and there's nothing I could do?
Also, there's some website to check if the keyboard is really compatible with my notebook model? I look everywhere but find nothing 🙁

Thanks in advance!
So more than 8 keys. If it had been just the 8 I would have considered that the connection on the motherboard was the issue, and may save the board. However, it sounds like, alas, you probably do need to replace the board.

Yes I alredy try everything I could think in the software aspect. Including what you said here.
An usb keyboard works completly fine