You can't get into a locked device by "Hard Resetting" it. It doesn't work that way. That will only wipe it and make you start over still needing the info to get into the device. We cannot assist in anything that is to bypass a pin, lock code, etc. Please read the following thread... http/
I was locked out on pendo 10 so reset to factory settings now it is stuck on loop won’t start up says pendo then turns off
I don't think this is a password problem.Thw OP said it just comes up with the pendo logo and then switches off. This is what is happening to my pendo too. Can't put a password in if it is not asked for! I too did a reset to try and get it to boot but no luck so if someone knows a way around this prob please advice. Also it would be a good idea to read the query before replying.