Solved! I have a Lenova 8.1 and have been trying to restore to factory settings. I have followed ALL directions, not just on this web

fidget the midget

Feb 28, 2017
I have a Lenova 8.1 laptop and have tried to reset it to factory settings because last night I somehow enlarged game on Face Book (don't know what I did) and have not been able to figure out how to get it to original size, so I'm wanting to reset it back to factory settings. However, when I try it just goes to my sign in. I have Googled this and also looked in the user guide and I did what they said to do
Why are you trying to wipe your system because you made a web game larger? Did you try using the web browser zoom options? It's probably what you did. Try Ctrl and the - key.

I only wanted to do this because of enlarging a game and not sure if tried that or not, I do know that I tried something possibly with the keys. I will try this and thank you