"Best" is relative.
What are your requirements.
The features matter as does the user interface.
For example: #2, Ariolic does not need to be installed. That can be a big plus.
Or Emsa which provides statistical data may be more applicable to your requirements.
Look at the four choices and start with the listed program that "appears" to do most or all of what you require.
Then go to its' website, FAQs, and forums to see what other users are saying. Check the support links. They can be a very good indicator regarding the usefulness and quality of an application or utility.
Download and test. But watch out. The downloads may include other "crapware" or even alter your current system configuration. You may or may not even notice the matter. Just do not blindly "agree" to anything.
In fact if the app does try to do such things I tend to cancel the install and move on to the next choice.
And you may discover, after a few uses, that there is some unfavorable aspect to the software. Then just uninstall and move on.