IPhone vs. Asus Eee PC Keyboard Test


Jan 7, 2009
Basically, CNET UK dude takes a ride in a rally car while trying to type on an Asus Eee and iPhone respectively. lol.


I'm thinking that, if UK dude was typing on the Eee on one-hand, the test is unfair. Thoughts?
Yeah i am not surprised that in iphone won. Just because it is a hand held device. And you use one of both of your thumbs. It is a lot easier to type with two thumbs then all 10 finger. So i think the test was unfair because the laptop was never designed to be typed one when in that much motion if at all. Where as the iphone was destined to be used when in motion.
It would be the same as doing a typing speed test (Speed as in typing fast not speed as in moving fast). You know that the Asus would win at that any day.

So i think it was a unfair test because that are comparing two devices that aren't classified the same devices. One is a phone and on it a laptop.

It was still funny to watch his try to type when going 80 around a corner