So I have like 4 csrss.exe running the 2 is not on the protected processes on the task manager, actually rundll32.exe is not on the protected processes too. So what I did is, I stopped the rundll32.exe and csrss.exe (the other one) and I can't seem to terminate the program. The csrss.exe and rundll32.exe does not have any Description and User name on the task manager. When I tried to open it, it's not located on the C:\Windows\System32, it is located on the C:\Users\*MYPC'SNAME*\AppData\Roaming. I tried to scan it with VirusTotal and it looks like the applications are trojans and malware? I'm not really sure about it. I need help. Should I delete these applications? (the applications are hidden from the Roaming folder)
here are the applications that are hidden from the Roaming folder.
This is the process that I can't terminate. I already terminated the other 1.
these are the other 2 csrss.exe that are protected and from System32.

here are the applications that are hidden from the Roaming folder.

This is the process that I can't terminate. I already terminated the other 1.

these are the other 2 csrss.exe that are protected and from System32.