D Doug_15 Commendable Apr 23, 2016 1 0 1,510 Apr 23, 2016 #1 Trying to recover data from a Dell laptop that had a Fujitsu ATA HD. Is there a 22 parallel pin to USB cable for this?
Trying to recover data from a Dell laptop that had a Fujitsu ATA HD. Is there a 22 parallel pin to USB cable for this?
Laptop_Nerd Splendid Aug 28, 2015 5,318 3 22,710 Apr 23, 2016 #2 Hi, Here's an enclosure that you can use with that HDD so you can use it an external HDD that you'll be able to plug into any PC or another laptop. http/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA6J12HT4950&cm_re=usb_enclosure_2.5_ide-_-9SIA6J12HT4950-_-Product Upvote 0 Downvote
Hi, Here's an enclosure that you can use with that HDD so you can use it an external HDD that you'll be able to plug into any PC or another laptop. http/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA6J12HT4950&cm_re=usb_enclosure_2.5_ide-_-9SIA6J12HT4950-_-Product