Laptop making grinding sound

Apr 21, 2018
So my Toshiba laptop was constantly overheating and we got it cleaned at a computer shop, the fan works fine and the laptop doesn't get hot anymore but it keeps making this loud grinding sound, it is so loud and annoying that I can hear it even with a youtube video playing. The sound is coming from the right side where the vents are so I assume it's the fan, but the other issue was that when they opened it up, they couldn't get the 2 screws on the right side to fit in properly because of damage to that area from overheating, so they put hot glue to keep the top right part of laptop from coming up when I adjust the screen. Anyways is this sound coming from the fan or something else because that side is not screwed in properly? The only thing that gets rid of the sound is shaking it vigorously and it then starts up again with any movement of the laptop, so everytime I get up to use the bathroom or something, it starts again.. what can I do?
Apr 21, 2018

Are you sure the glue is causing the grinding noise, the glue was only put near the outside and in very little amount.. the shoddy repair job cost me almost $100, and now I wish I could take it back... the overheating before was bad but at least I could move my laptop without it sounding like a chainsaw lol