Laptop replacement screen options.....


Feb 18, 2015
I recently purchased a Lenovo y50/70 for an amazing deal a good chunk lower then ebay sellers. It is in perfect condition and here are the specs:

•Processor 4th Generation Intel Core i7-4720HQ Processor (2.60GHz 1600MHz 6MB)
•Operating system Windows 8.1 64
•1920x1080p tn panel touch screen
•GraphicsNVIDIA GeForce GTX 860M 2GB
•Memory8.0GB PC3-12800 DDR3L SDRAM 1600 MHz
•120gig sanddisk ssd
•Network CardIntel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 3160
•BluetoothBluetooth Version 4.0
•Battery4 Cell 54 Watt Hour Lithium-Ion

Now I am no artist, but this is one of the worst TN panels I have ever seen. I can't stand these crappy colors and poor viewing angles. Normally TN panels are plenty good enough, but this one is so bad. I have a very HP TN laptop glossy and a acer matte TN monitor and those look miles better. I looked it up and apparently this was one of the price cutters with this laptop. I have seen options online to replace the screen and I am willing to do so. What is the best option for screen replacement for this laptop? I will go IPS as long as it has a refresh of 60 hertz or close to that (no 30hertz). Any 60herts ips? If I choose a replacement TN panel will it honestly be a worthwhile improvement or just slightly better then stock?
Solution has lots of screens to choose from. I'd recommend finding a laptop with the same size screen as yours with a screen that you like and finding its replacement screen on this website. has lots of screens to choose from. I'd recommend finding a laptop with the same size screen as yours with a screen that you like and finding its replacement screen on this website.

Just ordered one and I will see what happens. I have the super pain-in-the-ass model with touch screen. Any good suggestions on getting the old lcd off the digitizer? I have a heat gun and I could just buy the bezel with no touch screen.

I don't have any experience with removing those, but I know it takes a lot of patience and carefulness.

This looks like a good video:
Other people use heatguns, so if you do a mixture of this and using a heatgun (not too much heat though), then you should be good.


I am thinking of just buying the bezel with no touch for $25. Can I just use that and the LCD or is there another piece of glass/cover I need for the lcd if I go non touch?

I am not exactly sure so I bought them as a bundle. It was like an extra $15.

It'll be interesting to see you assemble this screen. Do you think you could take a couple pictures as you do it?

So here is an update everything turned out great. My lenovo y50 is no longer touch, but it has a super nice IPS screen. Was really easy. Take off wifi antenna, screen wiring/webcam, and hinges; All these items will be reused. Ditched the old back and digitizer and bought the non touch frame and back. (YOU cannot use the old back as the non touch version is different.). I put it all back together and it works great.

Nice! Hope you enjoy your nice and new screen.
-btw, don't forget to select best answer. And could you upload a couple pictures? I may consider doing the same thing if i buy a y50.

Well I wanted to post the pictures first before selecting best answer. Don't worry I didn't forget to credit you.

Here are the photos as requested. Should have taken more, but it is still super easy to do. I want to point out something rather obvious. Try to get the non touch version if you plan on replacing the screen for sure. You will save by not having to re buy a bezel, plus the touch version tends to sell for a little cheaper.

Anyways here we go. I tried and failed at removing the old lcd from the digitizer. Bought the replacement back and front bezel pieces and that worked great. NOTE: it is an absolute must to buy the back also, as the clips are different for the non touch version.

Purchases: I selected the Matte version. This is the bezel parts I bought.

BTW Bonus video comparing the stock to a replacement IPS. Not my video, but a worthwhile view and yes that is really how bad the stock screen is give or take the yellow tinting (depends which crappy stock screen you have. Mine didn't have that yellow tinting, but it was still bad.)

Anyone can ask me any additional questions about this laptop and screen!

Huge difference! Nice job!

Totally worth it. The screen is 60hertz and I don't feel any extra input lag. It is a little darker then the stock screen, but I think that is because it is matte and the dark colors show through nicer. The matte screen is a million times better in high light setups then the stock.
I'm literally in the same situation as you were. I accidentally purchased the touch model of the y50, and i had already ordered screen replacement for the non touch model. i bought this one from ebay. also, i went ahead and ordered the front and back bezel from the link you provided (thank you for that!).

this thread has put me at a lot of ease so far, and the only question i have left is if the y50 touch you bought has a 30 pin or 40 pin connector because i can't seem to find that information elsewhere. the screen replacement i bought is a 30 pin, and it would be a shame if i can't end up using it, especially since the seller doesn't accept returns 🙁


The 40pin is only for the Ultra 4k screen. If you have the 1080p it is 30pin connector. That screen will fit in the bezel and everything should work fine. I would have paid a tiny premium and bought your screen from because they have a free 2 year warranty plus no dead pixels 30 policy. Anyways the screen should work fine. Save all the screws, hinges, wifi wires, and screen wires because you will reuse them. If you need any further help or get stuck at any part of the disassembly, please contact me and don't damage your laptop. :)

PS: isn't the stock screen worse then a child's tablet? 😀

PPS: There are no tear-down videos or instructions for the touch screen model anywhere online on how to take it apart. If you want even further help you can PM and I can help you via skype/phone call. I am more then happy to help you out.