Laptop turns itself off roughly 30 seconds after i turn it on.


Dec 30, 2012
I have a small Advent laptop, its not used very often (Hasnt been used in about 2 months). Turned it on today and it was installing service pack updates, it installed the updates and restarted itself. It then said assembling service pack update or something. Restarted again and finally got to the desktop, and boom.. It turned itself off. Tried turning it on several times and same thing happens. Most times it doesnt even reach the desktop before shutting down. Could it be a hardware problem?

Thanks in advance.
If it used to run fine, I would start by using "system restore" and go back before the updates. Wait several hours and see if this fixes it. Then you can go to the updates page and see how many updates there were. You could try installing them one at a time, each time using your computer for several hours or longer to verify stability and then add then next one manually, repeat until you find the one that crashed your system and either don't use it or research it and see if you really need it.
Ok im pressing F8 at start-up and its not taking me to safe mode. It brings up Windows error recovery and giving me the option of start windows normally or launch start-up repair. But it turns itself off as i get into that section. It seems no matter what i click on or do on it, it will turn itself off regardless.
The safe mode option is usually above "start windows normally". The repair mode may be your only option. Have you tried with and without the PS plugged in? Is the battery fully or mostly charged. Another option is to go to Kaspersky's web site and make a boot CD that has a built in Linux OS that even has a browser. It is intended to find Viruses, but it can't hurt. It literally give's you a reasonably functional computer that can see the files on system in regular folders! If this won't work either, because it has nothing to do with your computers OS, then you should contact the manufacturer.
I have clicked on repair and it starts to load windows files but then turns itself off. I don't think this is the laptops original charger but i have been using it for months and always seemed to work fine. It does the same thing when the charger is unplugged. I'm not so sure if its a software problem and have no idea what is going on with it.
You might want to try removing the battery to see if it will work without it. Maybe the battery is going bad and is causing a shutdown.
If you try the Kaspersky disk ( you dont' have to use it for the Virus scan, but it can't hurt ) and it boots into it's Linux OS, use the browser and go to some web sites and leave it on for a while verifying the computer hardware is good, which shows the problem is your OS and probably the updates. If it crashes right away, then it is hardware. What OS are you running?