laptop wont boot up, no beep codes or caps lock and num lock codes.


Apr 4, 2016
Hey everybody
I have an HP pavillion dv7-3100 and i just disassembled it to clean the fan and install a new internal clock battery. after re-assembly the screen wouldnt boot up and the caps and num lock would blink 3 times. so i fixed the memory issue (or so i think) and it does the exact same thing as before (black screen, fan on, power and speaker buttons on, and mouse pad light on) except this time, I am getting no blinks from either the num or caps lock and no beep codes.

Could somebody please help me figure out this problem?
Thanks for any help you can give

Please do try these troubleshooting steps that may help.
- First is to do a hard reboot, remove the battery and unplug the AC adapter then press and hold the power button for 20 seconds then try booting it up again.
- If it will not work do another reseat of the RAM's, remove them all for couple of seconds then put them back in making sure everything is seated properly.
- If these will not work as well, do try a different AC adapter that has the same voltage and see if the same problem will persist or not.
- If all these will not work I would suggest opening the laptop again and make sure everything is seated properly specially the ribbon cables.