Laptops keyboard is not working properly after cleaning without dissembling.

Jan 15, 2019
i cleaned my toshiba Laptop without dissembling with minimum polishing liquid when it was in sleep mode. and when i turned it on it was making beeping sound and some keys are not working properly, for instance the arrow keys can be used once and 5 numerical key is not working at all. i checked the filter keys and it was turned off, also the beeping sound comes back after some time and then i have to turn my lapi off to get rid of it

please help because my sis use this lapi for freelancing and she is gonna hang me for such blasphemy.

Seems that way since keyboard started having issues after you did it. In most cases, if you do A and then B starts right after A, logically A caused B to happen. There are of course exceptions but that is the way to bet.

Seems that way since keyboard started having issues after you did it. In most cases, if you do A and then B starts right after A, logically A caused B to happen. There are of course exceptions but that is the way to bet.

Thanks Dude. . . so lesson learned.