Lg LED TV has no picture from Cable but works from HDMI source


Jun 9, 2016
This is about my father's TV. He lives near Boston and is 95 years old. I would like to be able to advise him what to do or who to call as I am limited to what I can do as I live 2,500 miles away in Mexico. The picture went black and he called the cable company and Comcast sent a guy out. He checked out the cable box and said all was good and that it must be the TV. As a favor he brought my dad's tv down from the bedroom and hooked it up and it works fine. When my dad told me this story I asked him to plug in his computer with the HDMI cord and switch the source to that and see what happens. The picture is fine! What are the possible causes for no cable picture? Bad circuit board? Bad cable? Bad repair man? Just needed to be reset?
Hello... I didn't mean to imply anything... and understand your hands being tied here... B )
But from my experiences, peoples self troubleshooting can lead to more than you would normally expect... and I'm used to asking that question. B )

1) Well the remote/TV setup screen could be the something that got screwed up? accidently?... You could have him scroll through the "Auto-SETup" app in the TV and let it search for available inputs and channels.

2) You could have him check the setup screen "input setting" and change/save to CATV

3) You should go to the brand model website and DL the PDF file and Walk him through these on his remote B )

4) Other than that? it would be a conbnection check by someone to be sure if it's the TV input...
Hello... what do they use to connect there in his Bed room to the TV? Coaxial, usb, hdmi?

IF it worked downstairs... then from downstairs to his bedroom it doesn't?... the cable connection/BOX would be the next thing to investigate...
1) the Coaxial splitter where ever it is located... to his bedroom is not connected properly... the cable ends/center copper wire? is damaged or not properly inserted... Did he try to troubleshoot himself?

Thanks for replying. First, I'm afraid that my dad isn't capable of troubleshooting anything. At 95 years old he has diminished comprehension and is easily confused. Which is a reason that I would hate to put him at the mercy of an unknown tv repairman. It is the living room tv that is not working correctly. The Comcast guy disconnected it and brought the upstairs tv down to the livingroom and hooked it up to the livingroom cable box and it is working fine. It was also working fine when it was upstairs. I believe that the cable connections are coaxial. The livingroom tv is now only connected to the computer, via a HDMI cord and works fine. I would love to have him reconnect it to the cable box so that I could give more troubleshooting ideas but even that is beyond his capabilities. What I'm wondering is whether it is likely that the problem really is in the TV or is it more likely to be in the cables and connections. I would like to know more before I call Comcast to ask that they go out and check it out again.
Hello... I didn't mean to imply anything... and understand your hands being tied here... B )
But from my experiences, peoples self troubleshooting can lead to more than you would normally expect... and I'm used to asking that question. B )

1) Well the remote/TV setup screen could be the something that got screwed up? accidently?... You could have him scroll through the "Auto-SETup" app in the TV and let it search for available inputs and channels.

2) You could have him check the setup screen "input setting" and change/save to CATV

3) You should go to the brand model website and DL the PDF file and Walk him through these on his remote B )

4) Other than that? it would be a conbnection check by someone to be sure if it's the TV input that went bad.
Since the HDMI input of the TV is working with the PC and the same cable it may be that the HDMI out of the cable box is not working even though the other output does. They should have tried a replacement box when they were there. That's often the second thing they do after doing a cold reboot of the box to try a reset it.
Thank you all. It's working again. I sent him instructions to reset the input settings and it is working fine. No thanks to the Comcast cable guy. I'm glad I came here to this forum instead of calling a TV repair man. No idea of what happened to make it go out to begin with.