LG V495 Tablet - Poweramp music player compatability/incomapability

Cathy Semi-Geek

Jul 19, 2008
I downloaded Poweramp 2.0.10 for the 15 day trial. It works fine on my phone - Samsung Galaxy S7 but on LG tablet, Poweramp comes up, but when I go into settings i get the ugly msg from Android 'Unfortunately, Poweramp has stopped.'

I have the same version on the phone, never had a problem. My phone is on Android 6.0 Marshmallow for about 3-4 days now.

I've run into a few apps that won't run on the tablet, at least not this one. I'm on Android 6.0 Marshmallow and have had no problems since that upgrade about a month ago.\

I'm going to try posting to the Poweramp forum, but I think I have a better chance getting an answer here.


I have to ask, where did you download the app from? Was it the Poweramp site, another site, or Google Play. I ask because I have noticed other saying they had problems when downloading from places other than the Google Play site.

I would suggest uninstalling the program/app, rebooting the tablet, and then downloading and installing it again, from Google Play. See if this resolves the problem.

Now if it is playing/working sometimes, but then not other times, I would talk to the makers of the app. That would be something they should be addressing/fixing.

I downloaded it from Google play store.
I did try uninstalling. restarting, and reinstalling, and the same problem occurs. I posted my problem on the Poweramp forum as well, so maybe they will have an answer. Thanks for your reply.
U having same prob with a tablet, or is it a phone? Poweramp forum told me to download the new Alpha build that is available on their forum. I d/l it, and all is well now except one very big thing to me....

You can't change skins!!!
And I d/l a few and would like to be able to use them. Below is the link directly to the Alpha build.
