Logitech Z623 Power Supply ->Voltage?

Sep 6, 2018

I have a problem with the Logitech Z623. Suddenly it doesn't go on and now I have it opened and saw that at the protections are not more good, there goes no power through. I would like to test it now with a extern supply, but I don't know which power was converted... AC/DC and the Voltage?

I found one Thread that meaned that there are 17Volt. But I don't know. There are no infos on the power supply..

And I don't know more where this cable go (in the hand)...

Thanks for helping!

So even if we confirm to you, yes is 17VDC, but you wouldn't know where the cable goes? Is a lost cause. Nobody is going to post a picture showing you, HERE, and DO THIS. 98% is on you, that you understand what YOU see. We are not there.
Ok, now I know the cables are for the subwoofer. I was confused.
Ok I would like to know where I could connect the 17V supply. I want to save money but I don't want to buy a new one. I know some basics but I don't know the circuit board...