Looking for new headphones


Sep 28, 2014
Hey, im looking for a new pair of headphones to replace my rosewill rhts 8206 because the cable keeps curling and there are some cuts on the cable. I was thinking of getting a wireless one but they are expensive. The skullcandy plry 1 and plyr 2 look good but the reviews say the plastic cracks. I would also get a wired one, I saw one called a v-moda lp2 for 130 usd on amazon.com and they are supposedly professional and they have a detachable cable made out of kevlar. But when I add shipping and import charges they are 200 euro and they dont have them on the amazon.co.uk website. My friend has a pair of razer kraken pros and they are nice but the wire is curling/tangling on them too. What headsets around 150 euro would you recommend?
Get a pair of Sennheiser Headphones. They have a detatchable cable that you can replace if it gets frayed. They are also not too expensive and sound great for the price depending on the model.

Personally I have some cheaper ones, the HD 518's and a custom cable. My friend has the HD 598's and they are really nice, but are more expensive. They are 150 euro down to 70 euro.

HD 598 (These also come in black if you search for them, they are limited edition.)


HD 558...
Get a pair of Sennheiser Headphones. They have a detatchable cable that you can replace if it gets frayed. They are also not too expensive and sound great for the price depending on the model.

Personally I have some cheaper ones, the HD 518's and a custom cable. My friend has the HD 598's and they are really nice, but are more expensive. They are 150 euro down to 70 euro.

HD 598 (These also come in black if you search for them, they are limited edition.)


HD 558


HD 518


Custom cables
Yea, it should. Google modmic and see what it's compatible with first though. Or just see if anyone else has the same set. I recommend open back headphones for gaming unless you live somewhere noisy. Also cloth/velour so your ears/head don't cook. Beyerdynamic might have some better options for comfort.
I was thinking about getting a mic like this : https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B00XBQ8UGG/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1468322919&sr=8-1&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=neewer+bm+800&dpPl=1&dpID=41muLwSXGtL&ref=plSrch so I don't have an extra wire. It says it will work in a desktop mic jack, would it pick up background noise? Also since im using these for gaming can I use virtual 7.1 on them with related audio manager or Razer sound software, because I play alot of csgo and I need to know where footsteps and other noises mad by enemy's come from.