Lost pictures kodak phote gallery

Frank C Dichiara

Jan 22, 2011
Yesterday, I easy-shared some pics with my e-s 143 camera. when I looked for them. they were nowhere to be found.Ifollowed the wizard to the finish and saw the downloading bar completed.The last time I installed pictures they were in my recent places file.These were not and nowhere to be found!


I sometimes wonder if these so-called easy solutions don't cause more problems than exposing users to the simple fact that you can transfer pictures direct to a folder on your PC using no more than a USB cable. Or even by removing the pciture card and putting it in a card reader with USB connector. The reader or camera acts like an external disk drive and you just drag and drop to the folder on your computer.

I know this works because somebody gave me a Kodak camera without an easy share dock or even a USB lead.