mcshield.exe and antimalware service executable getting all 100% cpu usage

Rey Manapsal

Sep 24, 2014
I need help.. because of "mcshield.exe" and "antimalware service executable" in the task bar my laptop is lagging and it interrupt my game and even when im playing in facebook.. when i first bought it, it runs smooth my game does not lag and now its suddenly lag my game... please help me.. my laptop is 8 months old 🙁
That is your antivirus running you could try opening your Antivirus and changing the setting to only scan the computer wen you tell it to. By going to the settings and changing the way it runs. other alternative its by going to your Task Manager and go to the processes and find your antivirus. One there right click on it and select End Task.. if you wish for you can disable it from starting on windows start up by going to the Task Manager go to Start up and highlight the antivirus or any program you are sure it wont bring any problems and clicking on disable... hope it works... :)

What does the Graphics card have to do with it? Thats does not have to do anything with his cpu or antivirus

I cant end task the mcshield.exe 🙁 why? its getting all my cpu usage its 80 to 100 & usage 🙁

You re right . i didnt check on the mcshield.exe . Thought it s connected to Shield , sorry ! it is an anti-malware app .

Try uninstalling your antivirus and try other antivirus/anti-malware software you know it wont get betteen you and your gaming experience... in my personal experience Malwarebytes and security essensials are a greate combo to have and free to own... if your on windows 8 your windows firewall its same as security essensials. Hope it works!

Thank you so much 😀 for helping me!!! 😀

Its my pleasure 😀