Miro gives you avg search engine malware in browser.


Nov 6, 2009
Lately miro podccast installing gives you avg malware.
It says it can be removed in the browser add ons. Untrue, there you can only disable it.
You have to uninstall in remove programs and files.
But that doesn't remove it from search engines in the browser.

In exploerer 8 I cannot get rid of the avg search engine. If you press manage search engines,
you can disable the agv search engine, but they have made it in a way, that you cannot remove the avg search engine.

Where is the avg search engine for explorer 8 placed on a windows xp pro 3sp system,
and how do I get rid of the search engine?

I got it removed.
Go to internet explorer extension settings
Go to searchengines
Disable avg secure search
Make bing default search engine
Check box that no program may change the default search engine
Press close
Avg will fight back, and even make internet explorer not responding but the
window should close at a point
Go to files
Exit internet explorer
Restart internet explorer
If bing now is the default search engine
you are on the right track
Go to extensions settings
Go to searchengines
Rightclick avg secure search
Press remove
Close window
Go to files
Press exit
Restart internet explorer
Avg secure search should be gone.