Miyamoto: The Next Wii Will NOT be 3D-enabled

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As much as many people like to criticise what the wii can and cannot do. we still need to take into account that the wii is the most successful console of this generation. Still sold at least, if not more than the PS3 and Xbox 360 combined.
Nintendo has never been at the forefront of tech, they're more focused on gameplay and bringing people together. They also carry alot of classics that most of us haven't forgotten about. Ocarina of Time, anyone?
[citation][nom]hakesterman[/nom]They don't even have consumers really sold on 120-240Hz TVsWow, do you live in a closet??? The new Flat screens in which you are talking about completely blow away every CRT or tube type TVscreen. 120HZ - 240 HZ is the refresh rate, the larger the screen the higher the refresh rate needs to be to keep up with fast moveing objects. The 120 - 240HZ has nothing to do with color, depth, or viewing angle. Watch a bluray on a new flat screen 120 HZ TV and your jaw will drop with awe.[/citation]
Considering how the 1080p standard is 24 fps, I have a hard time being sold on 120Hz being a "jaw dropping experience", let alone anything higher. I understand the whole 24x5 vs 3:2 pulldown argument but I honestly can't see these 'judders'. Maybe some people can but I sure can't. It probably also has something to do with my inability to get that excited about television, there's rarely anything good on anyway 😛 and increasing the resolution/frame rate doesn't make it any better.
the gamecube did 3d, which means nintendo was ahead of sony and everyone else [http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/library/events/100616qa/03.html]! nintendo had experimented with online play [a broad definition of online play] since the nes days. so i don't understand how people today can say nintendo aren't upto date?! i know, they only see what they want to see and ignore everything else!

60hz, 120hz, .... you wouldn't really notice it if no one tells you.

it is said that many hd console owners are playing their consoles on standard definition. how do you know?! because you have people complaining about the small text in lost planet and in mass effect 2.

btw, wii hd does exist! it's the ps3 + move! if no third party developer supports sony and move, then that means a move of nintendo to make an hd console would mean a lack of support from third party developers. the cards are on the third parties, not nintendo!
[citation][nom]zachary k[/nom]not a surprise, Nintendo has never been on the front of new tech. disks, online multiplayer, HD. they will have 3D when it wont add much cost to their consoles.[/citation]

you mean like the analog stick? force feedback? motion controls? touch screens?

nintendo are the most innovative of all of them. but unlike most, they only bring innovations that will make an impact on the industry. they have all stood the test of time, and you apparently don't even realize most of the standard things in consoles today came from nintendo.

3d for a handheld could be big (and become a standard) because its cheap and does not require extra hardware. nintendo realize that consumers dont want to shell out thousands on a TV for 3d gaming, so they wont include it in the next console.
I have a 3DTV 😱..
And a 3D PC screen 😀

Quote :How long do you think it'll be before you buy a 3DTV?

About negative 12 months for the PC screen + glasses, and negative 6 for the 3DTV.
matchboxmatt 07/17/2010 1:54 AM
Insert quote. Report -10+

Anyone else think that 3D is not worth the noticeable loss of brightness and sensation of becoming cross-eyed?

I'd rather twice the resolution and brightness than the illusion of depth.


agreed, give me more res and better colors. i don't need 3d on a "small" screen. 3d is in it's infancy and may never be a viable living room option for the masses. *alright family put on your glasses it's time to go cross-eyed for 3 hours*
I don't mind if nintendo adds or not the 3d for its home console, but what Miyamoto should do is upgrade completely its hardware, software, and online service cuz their system has become obsolete before its time. The Next console should be able to compete the next sony and ms console in graphics, capacity, enhancements, versatility. And if nintendo can't do it on itself then call for help from third party developers.
I don't mind if nintendo adds or not the 3d for its home console, but what Miyamoto should do is upgrade completely its hardware, software, and online service cuz their system has become obsolete before its time. The Next console should be able to compete the next sony and ms console in graphics, capacity, enhancements, versatility. And if nintendo can't do it on itself then call for help from third party developers.
[citation][nom]pojih[/nom] The Wii was never about graphics, or cutting edge technology, but people still buy it.Hmm... why is that?[/citation]

it was about the unique motion controls, but it will soon be obsolete and outclassed
Not surprised, to make it 3D you'd have to:
1) Use beefier hardware that could be better used on a bigger resolution or keep the resolution without 3D and maek the price lower
2) Have a 3D TV. The majority of the target audience for Wii does not have 3D TVs.
Smart move. Why spend money on something that won't be used?
Nintendo was right about HD for the Wii and they'll be right about 3D for the next set of systems. It's an extra hardware cost that simply inflates the system price for a tech that will take a while to catch up with consumers if it catches on at all. By that time the prices will be less prohibitive to general consumers and their next system will be nearing the end of its life cycle and they'll be readying a new system for release. What will ultimately determine the success or failure of Nintendo's next console will be based on the next innovation they introduce for console gaming (whatever it ends up being) and if it takes or not.
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