Miyamoto: The Next Wii Will NOT be 3D-enabled

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[citation][nom]ksampanna[/nom]Good for Nintendo, having confidence in their console & its games, without them having to resort to gimmicks like 3D.[/citation]
Yup, that's why the Nintendo 3DS exists, right?
I played Super Mario World on a SNES the other day. It looked horrible on the 1080p TV, but goddamn it was fun and it wasn't 3D in any sense.

Good and bad content is good and bad content irrespective of whether it is in 3D or not.
Any console that has graphics hardware fast enougth can handle 3D both the 360 and ps3 are capable, I suspect the choise to not do 3D games has to do with the posabe long term vision issues viewing 3D "might" cause until research into this posable issue is loooked into nintendo is playing it safe honestly I do find
3D a very intresting format for film and games .
Any console that has graphics hardware fast enougth can handle 3D both the 360 and ps3 are capable, I suspect the choise to not do 3D games has to do with the posabe long term vision issues viewing 3D "might" cause until research into this posable issue is loooked into nintendo is playing it safe honestly I do find
3D a very intresting format for film and games .
As soon as I read the title I was thinking exactly what Miyamoto ended up saying.

3DS works because its a complete package, a 3D Wii requires the consumer to spend thousands of dollars in 3D ready technology just to be able to use the option.

Lets face it, HDTV is really just starting to catch on, there's still a massive amount of people out there that still use their PS3's and 360's on standard definition TV's.
Good. I wouldn't want to be dependent on 3D glasses to view the real world correctly just because my vision was skewed badly by too much exposure to 'illusory' 3D.
3D is just an expensive gimmick. The difference between HDTV and 3D is that HDTV tend to be cheaper which is why theyve sold so well but 3D arent cheap and wont be cheap, the glasses will still be annoying and as a gamer, you spend 2+ hours playing so you will get headaches or nausea.

Unless companies can make 3D tvs that dont require glasses like the 3DS, 3D wont be more than a luxury for rich people
4 months. Wiiiiii. At least make it upgradable to 3D, so that way if people don't want to spend on 3D functionality they can buy the version without the thing. Later if they decide to, they could buy an add-on card or somethin. It's true that content is what makes the game or a movie, not the 3D. Avatar was cool, but it was boring in some parts, some non 3D movies kept me up all of the time. Don't get any ideas...
Oh wow, nintendo is going to be a generation behind technology-wise, and for the same reason that they said the Wii wasnt HD? shocking.

and all the ppl w/o the money to spare on a 3DTV dont care about 3D and think its stupid and a waste, but I love every second of gaming in 3D. I think it'd be awesome to do some Mario kart and Mario tennis in 3D. A 3D warioware game would be pretty crazy too i'm sure.
i don't understand why nintendo should have a better hardware home console when we all know that it won't do them any good. how do we know?! well one can look at the gamecube, which was more superior then the playstation 2 and had less piracy then the ps2, yet some how, the less powerful console [the ps2] was being more and more supported by third party companies.

this generation, it has clearly shown that there is a divide between third party and first party. all the third party has been saying the wii needs more superior tech. but when the gamecube had superior tech, it wasn't supported. look for instance with street fighter 4, which not only was released for the 360/ps3, but also the iphone. the specs on the iphone is close or less then the wii. but miraculously, it was not possible on the wii because the inferior iphone wasn't so inferior at all. the original xbox is close to the wii and is able to run half life 2 and the prototype of dead space. yet street fighter 4 isn't possible.

heck, we can even say that dante's inferno could have been possible on the wii, but instead it was decided to make it specifically for the hardcore gamers. why bother with the psp version of dante's inferno?! the psp is dead and the market is small. but we still need to make the game for the dead psp.

the ps2 had the largest audience, yet the wii has the largest audience. the ps2 had inferior hardware, yet the wii has the inferior hardware. the ps2 was managable to program, yet the wii is managable and cheaper. somehow, all three present last generation was favored as opposed to this generation. what does the picture show?! the third party doesn't like nintendo! nintendo is first party and sony,microsoft is third party and third party will support each other.
Considering the earlier story about PS3 and 3D making your kids boggin-eyed it's probably a good idea not to have a console with 3D at all.
[citation][nom]zambutu[/nom]it was about the unique motion controls, but it will soon be obsolete and outclassed[/citation]
Just in time for the next thing that Nintendo does to trump the opposition? No one saw the Wii coming, what else will they not see coming that they have cooking up in the labs? Nintendo have earned profit on every unit since day one and PS3 is only just turning a profit, maybe the profits from Nintendo have gone into R&D. It will be interesting to see what comes next.
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