i don't understand why nintendo should have a better hardware home console when we all know that it won't do them any good. how do we know?! well one can look at the gamecube, which was more superior then the playstation 2 and had less piracy then the ps2, yet some how, the less powerful console [the ps2] was being more and more supported by third party companies.
this generation, it has clearly shown that there is a divide between third party and first party. all the third party has been saying the wii needs more superior tech. but when the gamecube had superior tech, it wasn't supported. look for instance with street fighter 4, which not only was released for the 360/ps3, but also the iphone. the specs on the iphone is close or less then the wii. but miraculously, it was not possible on the wii because the inferior iphone wasn't so inferior at all. the original xbox is close to the wii and is able to run half life 2 and the prototype of dead space. yet street fighter 4 isn't possible.
heck, we can even say that dante's inferno could have been possible on the wii, but instead it was decided to make it specifically for the hardcore gamers. why bother with the psp version of dante's inferno?! the psp is dead and the market is small. but we still need to make the game for the dead psp.
the ps2 had the largest audience, yet the wii has the largest audience. the ps2 had inferior hardware, yet the wii has the inferior hardware. the ps2 was managable to program, yet the wii is managable and cheaper. somehow, all three present last generation was favored as opposed to this generation. what does the picture show?! the third party doesn't like nintendo! nintendo is first party and sony,microsoft is third party and third party will support each other.