MP3 player help


Jan 10, 2018
Does anyone have any experience with the Sandisk clip jam MP3 player? i have moved music on to it before, normally just by putting it in its music folder just for the sake of the music being on there. But for making playlists it is different.

Sandisks website says to put the music into Windows media player and create a playlist though there and save it as an .m3u file and then move it into the music folder for the playlist to be available, normally that has worked i haven't had any problems with that until yesterday. Whenever i go to create a playlist and the music is in fact in there, shows up on every other media player, nothing wrong with the files used as i have used them on different devices, but whenever i make the playlist with the music in it, on the clip jam itself, the playlist is empty, i don't know why it does that, it just doesn't seem to register that the music is there.

Sometimes i just want one or two songs but nothing will let me, i have to move all of my songs in the music folder itself. So any ideas what is causing this?
Check the bit rate limits for the player and the bitrates of the mp3 files you are trying to load; I forgot this myself and had hours of frustration a few years ago; the files have to be in the range the player supports, if they are too high or too low, it wont recognise them.

I seem to remember issues with variable bitrates as well, but it was several years ago, and my memory has been damaged by NHS medications.

The player plays the songs by themselves just fine, i even try putting the song alone into the playlist and it shows up empty but still plays and shows up as a regular song and works fine if it is just in the music folder with the rest.

Yeah, the playlist doesn't show up if it isn't an m3u file.
Question from dogsparkster101 : "Sandisk clip jam help"

its bugging me now as well. Do you have any other player software you could use to create the m3u files and load them into the player? I am wondering if it is a WMP bug that has reared its head.

I am trying to remember what I used to use, I know it wasnt WMP, or WMPClassic.

Normally use windows media player, don't know where to get the classic version, i have tried VLC with no luck, it has worked before with this exact MP3 player which is really confusing to me that it isn't working now, just sandisks website said to use windows media player though the playlist will always seem to be set to groove music open as default, but a playlist is a playlist, i can try thinking of any others i can try.
WMP Classic comes as part of the CCCP codec pack, although they have changed the name to Media Player Classic; however having checked, there is no m2u creation option, at least not in recent versions.

There are plenty of free m3u creation tools you could try, just search google.

I never said anything about m2u playlists.