mp3 to wave converter


Oct 7, 2014
I recently had my computer cleaned out, and when I got it back, my bought version of an MP3 to WAV program vanished from my desktop... but can't remember the name of it, but the Icon/Logo was 2 cogs ... can anyone help please.... Thanx in anticipation,
Not sure what program your talking about though there is a nice program out there called Audacity which you can do a lot of cool stuff with, including converting .mp3 files to .wav.
Thanx for that,.. I may have to download Audacity,.. used to have it, but I wanted my lost one because I payed for it.. never mind..not sure if it was a NCH d/load.. but the taskbar showed 2 cogs... really good converter in seconds...

thanx again.. may wait a while see what comes on here.. by the way, I found some text in my 'My Documents' refering to a converter,.. as follows..

RegNow Digital River

thanx again talismanpr