mp3 to wave


Aug 1, 2003
ok i downloaded kazaa v2.5 and i tried burning a cd and it wouldnt play in my new cd player just my old one,someone told me that i need to change my kazaa from mp3's to do i do that????
Change your Kazaa from MP3's to Wave? Sorry, but what in the world does that mean 😀? Does Kazaa allow you to burn CDs?

Anyways, what other software do you have to burn CDs? Perhaps some that was included with your burner?

I would suggest forgetting about converting from MP3's to Wav's, since it's unnecessary & time-consuming. If you use a good burning software, like Nero for example, you can simply drag WMA's, MP4's, Wav's, MP3's & several others onto the track window & burn the CD directly. It should then work on most CD players, save for a few old & dirty ones.

I'm going to get you.
make sure you set your burning software to AUDIO CD when starting ti up, otherwise it will just burn the songs as MP3 files rather than cd files

bump, to change the forum postcount.

25 days and counting.....
<font color=blue>War</font color=blue> <font color=orange>Eagle</font color=orange>
Laura, there may be nothing wrong with what you are doing. It is probably the media that you are using to burn on (type of CD-r). Some disks work with some players, some don't. Its kind of a crap shoot. If the CD you burned worked with your old player and not your new one, I would say that this is what happened. Try to play that same CD on a few other players.
However, some CD players allow you to play MP3 format songs. How old is your old player. If it is more than 2 years old I would say that it probably doesn't.

Get your own sig!!! :tongue:
Poor little grubbie. That was only one day old, and this thread was already at the top, so I didn't actually bump it anywhere. Was just changing the post count from this section from 666 to 667.

23 days and counting.....
<font color=blue>War</font color=blue> <font color=orange>Eagle</font color=orange>
that's scary.

<i><font color=purple>
"I'll Take A Quiet Life
-Handshake to Carbon Monoxide- Th.Yo."
</i><font color=purple>
if you nero-burning rom, choose the audio-cd option in wizard mode. And it automatically converts it audio cd format while burning.

<i><font color=purple>
"I'll Take A Quiet Life
-Handshake to Carbon Monoxide- Th.Yo."
</i><font color=purple>