My computer shut off after I unplugged it and plugged it back in.


Jan 19, 2015
My computer shut off after I unplugged it and plugged it back in. NO POWER LIGHT, NO BOOT SCREEN, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Is there anyway to fix this. Monitor turns on, however, my actual computer does not.
You didn't trip the house circuit breaker, did you?
Is there a reset button on your PSU?
Did you accidentally flip the PSU power switch to OFF?
Try unplugging it again and leaving it for a few minutes before plugging it back in.
Seems like it got hard-bricked. How to know it is hard-bricked:
-doesn't boot
-doesn't make any sound
-the screen doesn't notice the pc
I recommend going to a electronic store with support to make it un-bricked again at a cost off money.
What smorizio said: reset the CMOS - it's not uncommon to have problems like this after you do a hard shutdown by unplugging something. There should either be a mall battery on your motherboard that you can remove (with the PC unplugged) for a few seconds, or a clear-CMOS jumper.