My Desktop Faster than my Laptop(Laptop Slowness Problem)


Jul 20, 2012
Hello , i am facing slowness problem with my laptop since i bought it , i have " hp pavilion dv6 6c65sx " and its specs
Processors: Intel® Core™ i7-2670QM 2.2 GHz
Memory type: 8 GB DDR3
Hard drive : 1000 GB SATA (5400 rpm)
Graphics : AMD Radeon HD 7690M XT (2 GB DDR5 dedicated)

i talked with hp technical support many times without any result and finally i sent my laptop to local hp service center and they replace my hdd , how ever the same problem still exist .. i dont know where is the problem ???

i noticed that my desktop ( CPU : inel cor2due 3 cache 6M model 8400 , Ram 4G , Hdd 500 ) faster than the laptop as i try to convert the same video from rmvp to avi on the desktop it took 5.23 minutes however on laptop it took 14.47 minute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so could u plz tell me what to do and wher is the problem
Have you set the power settings to max performance vs balanced??
Located in Control panel. Make sure that performance is selected, and check "advanced setings" look to insure Processor is set to 100 % and verify that HDD is not set to go to sleep for duration of encoding.

Your CPU is much faster ( Freq may only be 2.2 GHz, but Effeciency is much higher than the old core dauls).
For encoding there is software that can take advantage of an iGPU (HD3000) when a dGPU (AMD 7690m) is used on some SB systems. But I think on laptops it is much better with Nvidia GPUs (such as 540M) as opposed to AMD GPUs - Not possitive)
If quick sync is available on his laptop infact his encoding should be faster than the desktop.

The HDD is considerably...
your desktop processor is still quite powerfull, (3 Ghz dual core)

is it slow at all application or just at editing software.. ? (what software did u use?)

what the speed of the HDD and your GPU at the desktop?

some app cannot use quad core, in those apps your dekstop is better..

mobile proc is not equal with their desktop counterpart, they are much weaker..

Laptops are normally slower, sometimes a LOT slower than a desktop with the basically the same specs. Laptops are built with parts that are physically smaller, must run cooler, and use a lot less power.
The trade off, unfortunately, is performance.
a 2670qm should be faster then a 8400 IF (big IF) the software you are using to encode is multithreaded. If the application single threade, that might be why it is slower.

The rest of the components do not really have an impact on video recoding... its purely CPU... unless the software on the desktop is able to take advantage of your video card to reencode and doesnt on the laptop

You should also verify if the CPU is not overheating. If it is the case, it will throttle back to cool off... use coretemp or anything else toverify temp

its slower than the desktop at all applications , but also for laptop with that specs i expected more speed and fast response time than what i get now

My HDD speed at desktop 7200 rpm
MY GPU ati radeon 3650 512 MB

i used allok video converter on the laptop and desktop and i do not know it was multi thread or not , however even if they use single thread i think that core i7 shout be faster than core2due even with single thread according to the rest of my hardware specs that i mentioned before .. right ?

and for the rencode part related to desktop i use ati radeon 3650 series and its 512MB so as u can see its older than the laptop ..and for CPU temp its from 58 - 60 c so its okay ... so where is the problem i can not figure it out
you are correct you laptop should be faster even in single threaded performance UNLESS your laptop is throttling due to heat causing it to run at 2.2 but even then it shouldnt be over twice slower. you have a problem and check your temps and see if it is overheating.

His laptop should in no ways be throttling due to heat - mobile Core i processors are rated up to 100 degrees Celsius. My i5m only starts throttling when I put it under extreme pressure (ie, gaming with lots of AA). Now, I'll say that once it does start throttling, the performance shoots down well below normal, so if he does have some abnormal heat issue, that needs to be fixed right away.

If I had to take a guess, I'd say your laptop's slower hard drive would be causing some (if not all) of the speed issues with video recording and converting (due to it being limited in its write speeds).

Now, other applications: I'm not sure. You've got a more powerful proc in the laptop than in the desktop, so I'm not sure what the deal is there.
i don't play games on laptop so there is no pressure on it and i don't run a lot of programs , how ever it should be okay to run many applications on it that is why we buy core i7 for its performance , and for heat it didn't exceed 60 c , and as i said before i sent the laptop to hp and they replace the hdd with another one but also 5400 rpm ... so what to do ??? could it be the cpu that cause the problem or what ?

ive had 3 sandy bridge laptops. all different and they all throttled to at least the standard clock under loads the OP is putting it under.

OP check your temps with
Have you set the power settings to max performance vs balanced??
Located in Control panel. Make sure that performance is selected, and check "advanced setings" look to insure Processor is set to 100 % and verify that HDD is not set to go to sleep for duration of encoding.

Your CPU is much faster ( Freq may only be 2.2 GHz, but Effeciency is much higher than the old core dauls).
For encoding there is software that can take advantage of an iGPU (HD3000) when a dGPU (AMD 7690m) is used on some SB systems. But I think on laptops it is much better with Nvidia GPUs (such as 540M) as opposed to AMD GPUs - Not possitive)
If quick sync is available on his laptop infact his encoding should be faster than the desktop.

The HDD is considerably slower than the desktop HDD.
An SSD is MUCH faster, but expensive as the Cheapest 256 gig "GOOD" SSD is still at $180 ON SALE. However Seagat has a 750 Gig 7200 RPM Hybred drive (has an 8 gig internal SLC SSD) which is About $150. This drive would be noticably faster than either your current laptop drive and your Desktop drive.

a little on Quicksync:
(shows software that is quicksync enabled).
Thanks RetiredChief for your detailed answer , now about my power plan i work on the high performance plan , and for GPU the problem i am facing not only with encoding it is with the whole speed and response time of the laptop , i do not feel that this is not the response time and speed i should take from laptop with this specs because i see that its very close to desktop and as u see some times desktop better than it , i suspected that it may be a Operating System problem and i try other os and try the one i use on desktop but nothing changed ??? and for the HDD unfortunately the ssd not supported for my laptop model and about that Seagat model i want to make sure that if i got it my problem will be solved and that problem because of my HDD not another part ...
You said your Laptop does not support an SSD ??
This would be the first I've heard of a SB laptop not supporting an SSD.

An SSD is physically identical to a laptop HDD with the same sata Connectors.
You have a "new" intel chipset so that you can use Intels RST, or MS AHCI driver.
The ONLY question is selecting AHCI in Bios.

As To The HDD being the source of your poor performance - NO can Not say 100%, Can Only say that it WILL boost HDD performance over your 5400 RPM HDD.

The time from Loading operating system to openning your first program show be like 15->20 sec.
My RF-711, Samsung 17", i5-2410m with a 540m GPU. 8 gigs ram, 2 SSDs (Has two HDD bays).
Power on to open IE: 25 Sec.
Complete post - 7 Sec.
From starting windows to run first program - 18 Sec

Click on a "recent link" small excell spreed sheet. Time to open excell and load spreedsheet, LESS than 1 sec.

The Samsung 750 with 8 gig SLC SSD internally should be close to above times.
The Diff is that Only what is in the "cache (8 Gigs) will see the speed of the SSD whereas with a SSD ALL file accesses are speeded up. - Problem they are expensive. Mine cost about $290 for a 128 gig SSD and a 256 Gig SSD

you can now get one of the best 240gb ssd's for 200 dollars.
thanks RetiredChief and about windows startup times its like that
time from loading the operating system to show welcome screen it 35 sec
time from welcome screen to open the first program is another 35 - 40 sec and this is because the hp services that run on start up
and about the hdd and ssd , i didn't know that mine support it , however as you said it comes in expensive price and small size so if i gonna try i will go for regular 7200 rpm HDD , hoping it makes any difference coz as u see from my load time and boot time and even the file access time its slow and its very annoying to have laptop with these specs and find that ur old specs desktop better than your new laptop
I assume that you have taken the time to remove all the bloatware, non essential startup programs, disable the full-scan-every-time-you-boot antivirus stuff, and other non essential junk that comes with a new laptop? Its a wonder a new laptop can even function with all the crap that comes on it and the way its configured when you first open it up.
You r right jitpublisher i remove most of them but still the services that run in the background these services that cause the slow start up of the operating system , and iam trying to know the name of each service and search for it and if it's okay to disable it , and then after the os start hhh start the other problem of slowness and slow response time as u see from previous discussions , i feel that i gonna burn that laptop but first i will see the HDD problem as most of answers recommend that its the main problem that cause the slowness