My Girlfriend insists on getting a macbook pro. What do I do?

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Apr 14, 2011
for some reason my girlfriend thinks that getting a macbook pro will solve her computer problems. She complains that desktops are inadequate, because it's not portable, and anything that isn't a mac isn't as good. She surfs the web, watches a lot of movies, and shows. She also likes to play Sims, and facebook games.

All that is fine with me, but she thinks spending over $1200 on a low spec macbook, will solve her problems. the only problem I see is the fact that intels integrated graphics, wont give her the ability to play pioneervile. She loves to play it on my desktop because it runs so smooth. but she doesn't understand the concept of graphics cards, and I told her if she's going to get one, get the one with a quad core, and a graphics chip, but she says it's too much money....

So, what the hell? You want to shell out over a grand for a dual core, but you wont spend the extra money for a quad core, and graphics chip that will provide the longevity. She wont even consider other laptops, that are much cheaper, and have much better specs.

I've tried to show her solutions from many different companies, particularly the ones ranging from 1k-1.5k that nearly double the specs of the apple. For our 6 year/ christmas present she wants me to put money towards it, but doesn't want the higher end choices.

What do I do?
Pretty sure the intel integrated graphics can play a facebook flash game...HD 3000 can do a lot - include HD video.

I think you just smile and give her the money...I know she's just the girlfriend, but at 6 years I think the "happy wife, happy life" still applies.
Dont get MacBook Pro, Their too over priced for simple spec, but if you do let us see spec because most MacBook are over priced... If i were you, i'd list the spec of what size, how quiet you want it, What resolution you want, and most importantly how much does she use it...

I think these is perfect if you can spend that 1.5k...
I wont be paying for all of it, just putting money towards it. I like apple products, don't get me wrong. I have an issue on overpaying for a product.

I also learned that Apple uses Foxconn for motherboards on a frequent basis... Aren't foxconn Motherboards lower end?

I'm not doubting the intel HD. I mean, it is a 32nm architecture, and sharing the L3 cache is nice, and all. She doesn't realize that having the quad core and the additional graphics power is really what she needs, she doesn't game that hard, but having that power when you need it, is worth it in my opinion.

I was configuring a MBP, and was alarmed to see over +200 usd for a ~100 mhz speed bump. and like 200 bucks for another 4gb of ram.

If she got a windows laptop, and wanted an upgrade, I could open it up for her and to it myself, but I don't think you can get into an Apple, without specialized tools?
Ok - so clearly several of these people don't have non-tech significant others. She wants it cause it's shiny, not because it's useful. Same reason girls like diamonds. Buy the Mac and save yourself the argument.

If you really think it won't run the facebook game, take her to an Apple store and let her try it.

Great minds think alike, I actually had looked at 2 out of those 3. The asus models, are probably faster than my current rig. (look in my profile, or under my post, wherever it lurks.) only I've got my phenom OC'd and my ram bumped up to 1600mhz, I don't know how much of an actual difference 1333mhz vs 1600 makes in day to day use.

Tell her its your way or the highway. Time to put your foot down man! I wont let my wife install iTunes on my PC, let alone buy an apple computer. Anyone that buys a mac for general purpose use will regret it, because they are not designed for general use.

Let her? This is 2011 not 1811... presumably she has her own money and will buy one if she wants. Again, if you're concerned about it just take her and let her try one at an Apple store.

And not designed for general use? They most certainly are - what else would they be designed for? I used to have both a MBP and Windows laptop for work (have always had all Windows and Linux home) and the MBP was actually the go to for basic email/web/etc. And that was the very first MBP with integrated graphics and a Core2.
For what she wants to do the Mac book is just right and they do a better job at video and music than a pc with all the other stuff mac books are good at she may forget about games and get into facebook and twitter and hd video and on and on..... and you will be her hero for helping her get one. Major points scored.
What exactly is the problem? Since when did you need a fancy GPU to play flash games or watch videos? She sounds like the perfect candidate for a 13" macbook pro; let her have one. That she made this decision on her own, she'll be happier with it than with something you try to force on her. If you want to help, take her to an Apple store and let her play around with one before buying.
1) Find a non-Aplle laptop with the specs you think are good for what she wants to do with it and have her try it out.
2) Find an Apple with the specs she wants and have her try it out.
3) If she still want the Apple and has the money, let her buy it.
4) You can not convince someone of something, if you do not prove you case (no matter who it is).
Dude the only way you can convince her otherwise is the find something that mimics that mac in appearance. Even if you do this, she probably just wants a mac. It is what it is and there is not a thing you can do about it.
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