My laptop charger is damaged on the line where the charger goes in. It wiggles a lot in the computer and Ive struggled trying

Jun 5, 2018
My laptop worked perfectly fine for about 3 years now. The past three days however, the charger in my laptop is wiggling and I struggle to keep it in the right position so it charges. Now the charger is damaged right on the cord, where the charger goes in the computer. I need help.
Buy a new charger which has exactly the same Output Voltage and Amps as the damaged one.

You can find/buy them online if you type your laptop model in the search box of Google.

Don't buy the cheapest you can find though.
It sounds like the first issue was the charging port in the laptop has been damaged/worn out; and needs replacing.

If the damage to the charging lead is far enough away from the plug, you could cut the damaged section out and splice in a new length of cable; if the damage is right next to the plug, you could buy a new plug, then cut off the old one and fit the new one.

The alternative is as above; buy a new charger; however you really need to get that charging port replaced, and that means taking it to a repair shop.

A bad connection causes heat; heat damages the plastic insulation, either melting it or making it brittle; this is probably what caused the damage to the charging lead.