Hello, this is my 1st post. I have a Sony DCR SR68 camcorder, that I have been happy with for years-BUT, it's the only 1 I have ever used, so, I have nothing to compare it with. I have never left auto mode and never plan to. The question is, filming work progression on roofs [ 90% dead still from a tripod, often mounted up on a trailer roof = 7' up + 4' for the tripod. This is my job, in my business and after all these years with my Sony, I never gave a thought to "Maybe it's not nearly as good as another camcorder?" So, what should I look at to buy, to make videos in the auto setting. Price range-prefer to buy used for under $300.
2nd question. Do all auto modes on camcorders control the same settings? I know mine controls focus, but I don't know what else or what some cameras "Auto" may encompass.
All my videos go on Youtube-attached are 2 examples of what most videos will be like. One from up on the roof and cam in hand, the other, from a tripod.
2nd question. Do all auto modes on camcorders control the same settings? I know mine controls focus, but I don't know what else or what some cameras "Auto" may encompass.
All my videos go on Youtube-attached are 2 examples of what most videos will be like. One from up on the roof and cam in hand, the other, from a tripod.