Solved! Need help moving movies to an External drive to watch at home on the TV and on the go on Kindle Fire

Debby Hester

Jun 21, 2017
I am trying to store all of my movies on an external drive to watch at home and then to take with us (portable) on trips so my kids can watch from their Kindle Fires? Any suggestion on what I would need to make this happen?

Our TVs all have a fire stick, xbox one, or a smart TV. I have not bought an external drive nor do I know how to save my movies. Thanks for the help!
Were they purchased through downloading or ones you had bought and then saved from a DVD or BLUERAY? If the former, it may not let you put them on another device to work. Many places limit the downloads to one working device.

Now if you made computer copies of ones you bought, you should be able to connect the Kindle to a computer and copy the files onto the Kindle. That is if they are saved in a format the Kindle can run. I don't remember their limitations off hand. You just would have a limited amount of space for them and movies can be huge files.

I can't say for sure if the Kindle will read them if they are just on a thumb drive. If it will, terrific. Kindles are not my thing. :) However, to make it work then on more than one...
If you are talking movies that you purchased and downloaded, you would need to just copy them over to the other device (if the purchase allows for use on multiple devices that is).

If, however, the movies are say saved on a DVR, or an external drive connected to a DVR, then you can't watch them on the other devices. They are not purchased items, but saved ones. Very different. The same way say a show you record on a DVR can't be saved to an external drive and viewed elsewhere. It is restricted.

Thanks for the reply. The movies I am trying to move are ones I have purchased. mainly kids movies. I would like my kids to access them instead of handling them. They are getting pretty banged up!
Were they purchased through downloading or ones you had bought and then saved from a DVD or BLUERAY? If the former, it may not let you put them on another device to work. Many places limit the downloads to one working device.

Now if you made computer copies of ones you bought, you should be able to connect the Kindle to a computer and copy the files onto the Kindle. That is if they are saved in a format the Kindle can run. I don't remember their limitations off hand. You just would have a limited amount of space for them and movies can be huge files.

I can't say for sure if the Kindle will read them if they are just on a thumb drive. If it will, terrific. Kindles are not my thing. :) However, to make it work then on more than one device, you would need more than one thumb drive with the data. Also, the amount of data comes into play. You would be lucky to have a movie be smaller than say 500MB, and many average closer to 800MB or even over 1GB. For one single movie.