Need Java Programming Help

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Dec 15, 2014
Hey guys. I usually use this website for computer hardware research, however I was wondering if anyone out there could help me with a problem I'm having. I'm in a computer science class in college and I can't figure out how to write this program in Java. I've tried many things, however nothing seems to be working. If anyone could help me out that would be great. Thanks!

Generally, homework requests require that you put up what you are trying to do, and where it is failing.

Some code, and what exactly does not work.
We won't do the whole thing for you.

This is what I have so far

import wheelsunh.users.*;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;

* Implementing an Interface
* @author Joshua Rush

public class Creature extends ShapeGroup
// Local variables that define the location of the creature's body
protected int bodyX = 0; protected int bodyY = 0;
// Local variables that reference the shapes being used
protected Rectangle rect;
protected Rectangle rect2;
protected Rectangle rect3;
protected Line lin;
protected Line lin2;
protected RoundedRectangle rdrc;
protected Ellipse circ;
protected Ellipse circ2;
protected int x = 0;
protected int y = 0;
protected Color color;

* Creates a default Creature
public Creature ( )


//----------creates creature location----------
* creates creature at a certain location
* @param y int
* @param x int
public Creature( int x, int y )

this.x = x;
this.y = y;
color = Color.RED;

// Creates the objects that appear under the creature's body
rect = new Rectangle ( Color.GREEN ); rect.setRotation ( 45 );
rect.setSize ( 20, 20 ); rect.setLocation ( x + 51, y + 16 );
rect2 = new Rectangle ( Color.GREEN ); rect2.setRotation ( 45 );
rect2.setSize ( 20, 20 ); rect2.setLocation ( x - 22, y + 16 );
lin = new Line ( ); lin.setSize ( 30, 20 ); lin.setRotation ( 45 );
lin.setLocation ( x + 5, y - 10 );
lin2 = new Line ( ); lin2.setSize ( 30, 20 ); lin2.setRotation ( 135 );
lin2.setLocation ( x + 15, y - 10 );
// Creates the creature's body and objects that appear above the body
rdrc = new RoundedRectangle ( x + bodyX, y + bodyY );
rdrc.setColor ( color ); rdrc.setRotation ( 45 );
rect3 = new Rectangle ( Color.BLACK ); rect3.setSize ( 25, 10 );
rect3.setLocation ( x + 13, y + 28 );
circ = new Ellipse ( Color.BLACK ); circ.setSize ( 10, 10 );
circ.setLocation ( x + 10, y + 10 );
circ2 = new Ellipse ( Color.BLACK ); circ2.setSize ( 10, 10 );
circ2.setLocation ( x + 25, y + 10 );

//-----------add shape-----------------
* adds shapes to the ShapeGroup
* @param s AbstractShape
public void add ( AbstractShape s )
add ( rect );
add ( rect2 );
add ( rect3 );
add ( lin );
add ( lin2 );
add ( rdrc );
add ( circ );
add ( circ2 );

* changes color when mouse is pressed
* @param e MouseEvent
public void mousePressed ( MouseEvent e )


//----------Creature color---------
*creates the creature with a certain color
*@param color Color
public Creature ( Color color )
x = 0;
y = 0;
this.color = color;

// Creates the objects that appear under the creature's body
rect = new Rectangle ( Color.GREEN ); rect.setRotation ( 45 );
rect.setSize ( 20, 20 ); rect.setLocation ( x + 51, y + 16 );
rect2 = new Rectangle ( Color.GREEN ); rect2.setRotation ( 45 );
rect2.setSize ( 20, 20 ); rect2.setLocation ( x - 22, y + 16 );
lin = new Line ( ); lin.setSize ( 30, 20 ); lin.setRotation ( 45 );
lin.setLocation ( x + 5, y - 10 );
lin2 = new Line ( ); lin2.setSize ( 30, 20 ); lin2.setRotation ( 135 );
lin2.setLocation ( x + 15, y - 10 );
// Creates the creature's body and objects that appear above the body
rdrc = new RoundedRectangle ( x + bodyX, y + bodyY );
rdrc.setColor ( color ); rdrc.setRotation ( 45 );
rect3 = new Rectangle ( Color.BLACK ); rect3.setSize ( 25, 10 );
rect3.setLocation ( x + 13, y + 28 );
circ = new Ellipse ( Color.BLACK ); circ.setSize ( 10, 10 );
circ.setLocation ( x + 10, y + 10 );
circ2 = new Ellipse ( Color.BLACK ); circ2.setSize ( 10, 10 );
circ2.setLocation ( x + 25, y + 10 );

*sets the current color
*@param color Color
public void setColor ( Color color )
this.color = color;
rdrc.setColor ( this.color );

//-------------get color-----------
*gets the current color
*@return ( )
public Color getColor ( )
return color;

*creates tests all the methods
*@param args []String
public static void main( String[] args )
new Frame ( );
Creature app = new Creature ( 69, 69 );
System.out.println ( "Color: " + app.getColor ( ) );

} //End of Class Creature

I'm trying to figure out how to write the mousePressed method, however I cannot figure out a solution. The way I thought it was done was to have something like this.

public void mousePressed ( MouseEvent e )
rdrc.setColor ( );

And I thought it would call that method upon the mousePress. rdrc is the shape that is the main body of the class I created and I need it to change color when the mouse is pressed. Any ideas?



You might want to learn smthing about the java.awt package, what a Frame is and how it receives events from the JVM.
- the first line in main: "new Frame();" - you need to keep a reference to that frame in a variable.
- then you need to register a MouseListener ( one example here )
That MouseListener is an interface that you need to implement (might be an anonymous class or your Creature class) and that will receive mouse notifications and take the actions that you need to take.

One other piece of advice: for production you might consider learning Swing or JavaFX (awt is so outdated)
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