Need URGENT help! Laptop will not boot from HDD or CD!!


Sep 6, 2010
Hey guys, I really need some MAJOR help here. Right now Im using Ubuntu, it works for some reason I have it on a CD, but I need my files and I cant access my HDD.

I dont know what happened.

I was uninstalling iTunes, and then my computer randomly blue screened and shut off.

Whenever I reboot it, it tells me to either start normally or repair (Im using Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit) and if I start normally, it cant start so it goes to repair, and if I click repair, it just sits at repair

When I try to boot from CD, it does the same thing when I have the Windows 7 CD popped in

I cannot access my HDD from Ubuntu, it shows this:


I dont know if you guys can make anything out of that, please feel free to gimme suggestions and ask questions, I REALLY just wanna get Windows 7 back on here working, I have a backup on an external HD and Id use that but like I said I cant boot from the CD so I dont think its an option

Your help is GREATLY appreciate, I have a lot of homework to do and my life revolves around the computer for my schoolwork, I really need this guys

Thank you
ok,i have run into some of these seems your hard disk is corrupted and cannot be repaired by windows.
so you will need a 2.5" usb enclosure to put your laptop disk in and another laptop or pc.
heres what you have to do:

1)remove the hard disk from your laptop and put it in the enclosure.(if you do not know follow a tutorial.

2)once it is in an enclosure plug it in a computer and try going into my computer to see if you can save anything.(it will show as an external device)

3)now go to computer management and then into disk management.find your external hard drive and delete both partitions.(the second one is something that win 7 saves on its not the os.the os is the other partition.

4)after deleting the partitions,format it.(it should take some time)

5)now remove it from the enclosure and put it back onto your laptop and do a fresh installation of win7.
you should be fine if you have any questions feel free to ask.

Can you please suggest an enclosure for me to buy? Does this act as an adapter to plug my HDD into a computer via a USB port?

If I can't access my hard drive right now, how would I be able to access it this way? I checked the repair progress after I woke up and it said Windows can't repair it.

I fear the hard drive is broken, are you saying it's just corrupt? Because I can't access the data through Ubuntu but you think I can via an enclosure?

Sorry Im just under a lot of stress because I have a lot of homework assignments and although I have them backed up, I use Office 2010 and YouTube and Photoshop and stuff for my homework and I can't do that stuff through Ubuntu and all if you understand.

I really appreciate your time, if I can back up my data and install a fresh copy of Windows 7 Im gonna worship you.
yes i am 90% that your hard drive is corrupt.
any 2.5" usb enclosure should should be sata to usb or ide to usb.
and yes when you put your hard drive in the enclosure and plug it in your computer it will show as a regular external ntfs going in you might be able to copy some files.after that follow the instructions i gave you and you should be fine.
hope you luck.

Ok I apologize I'm just trying to understand some things. So if I can't access my data right now, how would the enclosure help? I can't access it in any way. If it is corrupt, doesn't that mean the hard drive is not usable? and why can't I reformat the hard drive right now? How would an enclosure help with that.

Also, I have tried going into the advanced settings of the repair thing. It asks for an image. I burned a previous backup onto a CD and it does not work. It doesn't recognize any image. I also tried using the Windows 7 CD. That also does not work. I figured the CD wouldnt work since its the OS and not an image I think, but the backup is an image if Im correct. That also didnt work.

I really appreciate your help on this.

Is there an enclosure you'd recommend?

I don't know which interface my hard drive uses /:

Usually there is a recovery partition with a factory image. Using that option would have replaced everything on the hard drive back to how it arrived from the factory.

Ok guys. So, my dad knows some MS-DOS and we formatted the C: drive so we could just do a fresh install.

I popped in my Windows 7 CD and tried to install it. After quite a while it stopped, on the last step while it was finishing installation, and yes, it was going for an extremely long amount of time so I know I didn't cancel it while it was installing.

I rebooted, and this time it installed just fine. After restoring to a backup on my external hard drive, it blue screened and rebooted. After multiple reboots, now all it does is go reboot, says it's installation updates or something, and something else in a little box on the upper left corner, and then after a while it reboots, and repeats.

I am beginning to think that this hard drive is just plain broken. I mean I've formatted it, why is it still doing this. Recovering my files isn't a big deal, I have a backup on my external hard drive.

What I *NEED* is to be able to install Windows 7 on here and not have it crash on me.

Can anyone please provide some input? Formatting hasn't done anything as far as I can see...

This has been extremely stressful and frustrating, I really really hope I can get this fixed, I had an old desktop die on me last year and this is the last thing I need now.

Thank you again

EDIT: WR2 that enclosure doesn't say it supports Windows 7, just checking if it'll work, but Im pretty sure I dont need the enclosure as like I said, backing up my files is not the problem.
I understand about the enclosure Marios, but here's my question.

From what I can understand, this hard drive is pretty screwed up. There is a difference between it being corrupt and unusable right? Because we formatted the C: partition, and we try to reinstall and now it just keeps rebooting. Obviously there's a problem here.

Would I not be better off buying a brand new 2.5" SATA hard drive? I found a WD one for $50

Or, can I completely, 100% somehow format this hard drive or wipe it completely clean so I face no problems? Because we formatted C: using MS-DOS and it's still screwed up.

That is very interesting. I would think MS-DOS would do a good job since it's like a root system and all.

Is there any way other than an enclosure that I could delete and format the partitions?

Also, if I do delete and format these partitions, do you think the hard drive will work?

The reason I ask is because I don't wanna end up buying an enclosure and then have it go to waste and then have to buy another hard drive in case this is unusable or something. My dad's a pain in the butt about this stuff so yeah.

Thank you for your time.
i cannot gurantee it but that what i was going to enclosure costs around 20-25 bucks if i am not wrong. and if you told me that you found a hard drive for 50 bucks i would hold it as a backup also gives you good experience too,you know.
Also, when I was reinstalling Windows 7 yesterday, I deleted the extra partitions and formatted everything through the Windows 7 install feature, and it still messed up like I said, so do you still think an enclosure is a good idea because I formatted it from both Windows 7 setup and MS-DOS...
Btw, we formatted with MS-DOS using the format C: command, I read up on it and I see that that's quick format while a full format is actually format C: /s?

Is this true? Cause it says that if there are bad sectors on the hard drive a quick format may not be useful

Any thoughts? Sorry for the separate posts, it won't let me edit my posts