Nothing I have heard on the digital side comes close to vinyl, even if the PC is running a 24-bit card and it's connected to an amplifier consisting of valves, dual transformers yada yada.
Plug in a half-decent turn-table with a good needle..hmm what to suggest; try this track from Genesis: 'Tonight, Tonight, Tonight'. The analogue sound screams warmth, and atmosphere. It's a completely different sound stage. Thoroughly engrossing.
Now try the same track on an expensive CD player. The vocals sound more compressed, centralized and well, altogether a lot more forgetful than they were on vinyl. So try a 24-bit recording.. hmm, even with proper speakers it still seems rather..flat. So you try it through an expensive valve pre and power-amplifier. Plug in an expensive mains filter. Well, it sounds good but it still sounds 'digital'. Maybe it's the mastering. So you stick another CD in the draw. Well this still sounds a bit bland.
Some CD's seem to have much better mastering than others, mainly the one's from the 80's and early 90's. I find albums by the artist Enya to be very good, and modern stuff by the electronic artists Ulrich Schnauss. I'd still like to get the vinyl if possible. I've also tried listening to Jean Michel Jarre on CD, and most of the time I can't stand it; give me vinyl any day. Some of the artists also prefer analogue equipment, too - Jarre insists on it, and I've been to some of his concerts. All I can say is, just go and listen to this gear. Some of it is digital but as much as possible is retained from analogue instruments and amplification. From the bass all the way to the bells and whistles, his music sounds like the way he intended it to be, like it has a life of it's own. I have hardly ever heard that kind of atmosphere replicated on a disk (16, 24 or 32-bit), and after a while I find digital simply fatiguing.
I use a lot of modern gadgets and I love the convenience it offers in terms of sharing, and developing new ideas. But in terms of actual quality, if you put a record player behind one screen and a high-end cd player behind the other I'd take the 'retro' any day irrespective of it's own limitations. If it sounds better to your ears, that's all that matters.