Netflix for LaserDisc



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Hey all,

I'm a big fan of Netflix, I greatly enjoy their great service.

I know back at the height of it's popularity (and probably afterwards) some
stores did offer LaserDisc rental by mail. How did this service work? Did
any of you use it? Was it a flat fee for a specified time length? Did they
pay shipping both ways?

I wonder if an 'unlimited' service like Netflix would have been possible
with LaserDiscs. Sure the shipping costs would have been tremendously higher
with Lasers, more fragile, much larger and heavier, but then again LaserDisc
owners were used to pay $90 for films that now fetch $5.50 in the bargain
bin at Walmart, I think there would have been some support.

I guess the real answer is no, that LD wouldn't support it since the install
base is nowhere near as large and ubiquitous as DVD, even my grandparents
have a DVD player now... This scale makes a service like Netflix possible..

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the closest thing to netflix was when Columbia briefly tried having a
laserdisc club similar to their video tape club. discounts were so-so and
you gained bonus points for purchases.
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> I guess the real answer is no, that LD wouldn't support it since the
> base is nowhere near as large and ubiquitous as DVD, even my grandparents
> have a DVD player now... This scale makes a service like Netflix

Indeed, there was a service like that, and if I can
remember well, was provided by Laserdisclibrary in UK.

Maybe we (the laserdisc fans) could re-invent something like that...
"borrow" some of our laserdiscs to permit others to view some particular
extra features not present on DVD!

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On Thu, 27 May 2004 21:10:06 +0200, "Laserdisc" <>

>> I guess the real answer is no, that LD wouldn't support it since the
>> base is nowhere near as large and ubiquitous as DVD, even my grandparents
>> have a DVD player now... This scale makes a service like Netflix
>Indeed, there was a service like that, and if I can
>remember well, was provided by Laserdisclibrary in UK.
>Maybe we (the laserdisc fans) could re-invent something like that...
>"borrow" some of our laserdiscs to permit others to view some particular
>extra features not present on DVD!

Here's a company in the US that currently rents laserdiscs. There is
a minimum four-day rental charge on lasers to allow for turnaround.

Steve .