Just finished up my PC and everything seemed to be working smoothly. Youtube videos work fine, casually surfing the web works; really anything besides gaming works excellent. However, whenever I play any game, everything goes completely south. The games are so unbelievably glitchy, it's not playable. I ran a benchmark and it clocked a whopping 1 FPS. I understand that I don't have the best specs, but even a piece of junk could give me more than that.
Something is definitely wrong and I believe it is the CPU at fault. I had applied too much thermal paste on the first application and it did go overboard a little (seeped into the heat sink and along the sides of the CPU). Should I just go return the CPU for a new one or could something else be at fault here?
Just to resolve a couple answers I'm expecting, I did check to see if all the components are working. Fans are spinning, Motherboard lights are flashing, etc. Temperature is about 50 - 60 C in a casual workload and 75 - 85 when I start up a game. I have the right drivers for the CPU and the bios is updated. The parts are compatible according to PCpartPicker.
Here are the specs:
I would really appreciate any help I can get, thanks in advance.
Something is definitely wrong and I believe it is the CPU at fault. I had applied too much thermal paste on the first application and it did go overboard a little (seeped into the heat sink and along the sides of the CPU). Should I just go return the CPU for a new one or could something else be at fault here?
Just to resolve a couple answers I'm expecting, I did check to see if all the components are working. Fans are spinning, Motherboard lights are flashing, etc. Temperature is about 50 - 60 C in a casual workload and 75 - 85 when I start up a game. I have the right drivers for the CPU and the bios is updated. The parts are compatible according to PCpartPicker.
Here are the specs:
- AMD - Ryzen 5 2400G 3.6GHz Quad-Core Processor
Asus - PRIME A320M-K Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard
Corsair - Vengeance LPX 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-3000 Memory
Samsung - 860 Evo 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive
Inwin - 301 White MicroATX Mini Tower Case
Corsair - CXM 650W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply
I would really appreciate any help I can get, thanks in advance.