Nokia support center

What message did you get?

Invalid certificate?

Certificate expire?

App incompatible to yourt version of Symbian OS?

If you have the first 2 problem, I suggest you to stop using self signed pirated app and buy the app. If you are buying the app and not pirating them, then contact the company/developer you bought your app from.

If you have the 3rd problem, find another version of the software and see if it support your version of Symbian OS.
What message did you get?

Invalid certificate?

Certificate expire?

App incompatible to yourt version of Symbian OS?

If you have the first 2 problem, I suggest you to stop using self signed pirated app and buy the app. If you are buying the app and not pirating them, then contact the company/developer you bought your app from.

If you have the 3rd problem, find another version of the software and see if it support your version of Symbian OS.
If the software is not compatible with your version of Symbian OS, then you have to find a newer or older version of the software that is supported by your OS to be able to install.

If there is no other version available, then I am sorry, that program will not work.

The different versions of Symbian OS are binary incompatible or incompatible on hardware input.

I think if it is hardware incompatible, you can force it to install, but don't becasue you can start it but there is no way to make a touch screen to work as a keyboard to control the program (at least I could do that on the program I want). Therefore the program is useless.