N naeems Honorable Sep 30, 2012 1 0 10,510 Sep 30, 2012 #1 my home stereo infinity mkii 81 reference loudspeakers busted. does anyone know wheer to get good quality flool standing speakers in lahore for home audio. information can also be provide at naeems7@hotmail.com thank you.
my home stereo infinity mkii 81 reference loudspeakers busted. does anyone know wheer to get good quality flool standing speakers in lahore for home audio. information can also be provide at naeems7@hotmail.com thank you.
musical marv Distinguished Feb 26, 2011 408 1 18,960 Oct 1, 2012 #2 Go to a site called Audio Asylum and see what they offer. Upvote 0 Downvote