Panasonic "black level" setting in "other adjust" - light or dark?


May 2, 2006
I have been hard at work trying to calibrate my Panasonic LCD 32'' TC-32LX70. I am having decent success with most options but there is one that is driving me nuts on this set. In the Panasonic picture menu in "other adjust" there is a setting called "black level" which can be turned to light or dark, but HAS to be set at one or the other. I really cannot decide whether I want to start with it set to dark and then calibrate from there, or vice versa. Light tends to be too light, and dark too dark where both settings need further tuning with contrast, brightness, color, etc. Anyone have any experience with calibrating a Panasonic with this option? Thanks in advance.
I have a 50" panasonic plasma so calibrating it is far different than your television. However, i have mine set to "light" only because CNET had a review on a similar model and they actually posted they're "dark room" calibration specs. Honestly, there are too many variables that go into calibration and there is no right and wrong, it depends more on preference. You should set different levels for different inputs though, like for DVD's versus watching TV. Just try to find a happy medium and don't stress over too much.