Please help me choose upgrades for VR (I know nothing)


Oct 20, 2016
I have an okay computer, but it needs upgrading for oculus or vive... I am not sure which one i am going to get yet, but probably oculus. I am unsure if the upgrades i have in mind even work with my computer/motherboard and if they are solid choice. Please help

I currently have:
CPU: i5 3570K
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 670
Ram: 8GB
It also says ACPIx64 based pc (no idea what this means or if it's important?)

I am thinking about upgrading to:
CPU: i5 4590
Graphics: GTX 1070 (MSI, EVGA, ASUS and subcatagories like "Armor" and "Gaming X" what is the differences and which one should i get?)

My questions are: Can i just buy this new graphics card and CPU and pop it in my computer and then it works? or is there a chance that it's not compatible? And is the upgrade from i5 3570K to i5 4590 even that much of an upgrade? or should i go with something more powerful? Keep in mind that i would like to keep costs pretty low... but if i only get a ridicules líttle improvement i might spend a little more.
You don't necessarily "need" a CPU cooler to overclock, but since running the CPU faster and at higher voltages will make it run hotter, you should invest in a cpu cooler. Tom's did an article "top CPU coolers" here:,review-33267.html

The GTX1070 is of course an improvement over the 1060, and will be more "future-proof" for gaming, but it's up to you to compare performance and price between both and decide whether it's worth it for you. I think the xx60's from Nvidia represent the "sweet-spot" for price/performance, after that you start paying more for less increases in performance. (For example, the top card from Nvidia will cost 3x as much as the mid-range cards but won't have 3x the...
I5 3570k says to be powerful enough for VR, however I would suggest getting a 1060 if you're only looking for gaming/VR and then keeping your I5. Or get a 1070 and save money from buying a new i5 for future upgrades.
I agree with AqwBroders, going to a comparable i5 of the 4th generation doesn't constitute a big upgrade from your current 3rd gen i5. If you want more CPU power, you could buy a decent cooler and overclock your current chip, since it's the "k" version with the unlocked multiplier.

"ACPIx64" means that the PC needs to be running a 64-bit operating system, as opposed to a 32-bit operating system. You most likely already are. Go to the system properties, it should say "64-bit operating system."

I am thinking about upgrading to:
CPU: i5 4590
Graphics: GTX 1070 (MSI, EVGA, ASUS and subcatagories like "Armor" and "Gaming X" what is the differences and which one should i get?)

"Can i just buy this new graphics card and CPU and pop it in my computer and then it works?"
yep, if the socket type was the same. But it's not, so you would need a motherboard with the correct socket type for this CPU upgrade.
3570K = LGA 1155
4590 = LGA 1150

"And is the upgrade from i5 3570K to i5 4590 even that much of an upgrade?"
Nope, you could give it a try with your current CPU. Especially if you're willing to overclock.

"should i go with something more powerful?"
I would suggest that you just buy a better video card and overclock your CPU for VR.

Personally I had to upgrade my motherboard, CPU, RAM and GPU to get VR to work but since so many items were needed for the upgrade I went with the newer socket type. For you, to do VR with less money out of pocket just stick with a video card upgrade.

Thanks for your answer, but may i ask why only 1060 and not 1070? Is it not worth the extra money?

Thanks for your answer ! Do i need a new cooler if i overclock my CPU and can you recommend one?

Thanks for answering ..I have no idea how to overclock, but i found a couple of things on google... But if you know where to find a really good guide please let me know..
You would be using the easy, simple method since your CPU has a K at the end.
Just do this:
1. Get into the BIOS
2. Find the CPU settings
3. Turn up the multiplier by a notch or two
4. Save and exit the BIOS and, that's it, you're done.

It's really that easy. I don't know of any good guides for that maybe someone else can chime in on that.
You don't necessarily "need" a CPU cooler to overclock, but since running the CPU faster and at higher voltages will make it run hotter, you should invest in a cpu cooler. Tom's did an article "top CPU coolers" here:,review-33267.html

The GTX1070 is of course an improvement over the 1060, and will be more "future-proof" for gaming, but it's up to you to compare performance and price between both and decide whether it's worth it for you. I think the xx60's from Nvidia represent the "sweet-spot" for price/performance, after that you start paying more for less increases in performance. (For example, the top card from Nvidia will cost 3x as much as the mid-range cards but won't have 3x the performance.)