Power Button Is Lit While Plugged, But Laptop Does Not Power Up

Feb 24, 2018
My HP 840 Eitebook will not power up. However when the Cord is plugged into the laptop, the power button stays lit up.

I have tried removing the battery, pushing the power button for 30 seconds, and trying to power up, but I am unsuccessful after that process.

Thoughts or suggestions?
Open the system, remove the CMOS battery (it may be soldered on though, if it is, check for a jumper or switch to reset the BIOS on the motherboard, without any power to the system hold in the power button or 30 seconds. With the CMOS and main battery removed, plug in wall power only, see if that helps. If it does, plug in the rest, try it again. If it still fails, you either have a bad motherboard, power charger board if it's separate or a bad charger.
Open the system, remove the CMOS battery (it may be soldered on though, if it is, check for a jumper or switch to reset the BIOS on the motherboard, without any power to the system hold in the power button or 30 seconds. With the CMOS and main battery removed, plug in wall power only, see if that helps. If it does, plug in the rest, try it again. If it still fails, you either have a bad motherboard, power charger board if it's separate or a bad charger.